Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Environmental Awareness - 2432 Words
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS â€Å"The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.†– Mahatma Gandhi. The ‘Environment’ is a term used to represent an entire systems, geology, and climate. An Environment can be any scale, including global, regional, local, and even down to single locations, and things like buildings. Often the phrase ‘the environment’ is used to denote the global environment, or a larger regional environment. On a more human level, the environment, the air, water, temperature, and biology of a certain extent of a place are what sustain us, and define the limits of what we can do to a certain extent. Prior to the industrial revolution, the†¦show more content†¦Taking a holistic approach to saving the earth, many of todays modern day conservationists focus on everything from pollution and energy usage to ecological health and peaceful coexistence with the animal kingdom. In other words, the same ideals are being shared by what is commonly deemed the ecology movement, green movement, peace movement and environmental movement. Its no co incidence that one of the most famous groups working in the name of these ideals calls themselves Green Peace. Water conservation can be defined as (a) any beneficial reduction in water loss, use or waste as well as the preservation of water quality, (b) a reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures or, (c) improved water management practices that reduce or enhance the beneficial use of water. A water conservation measure is an action, behavioural change, device, technology, or improved design or process implemented to reduce water loss, waste, or use. Water efficiency is a tool of water conservation. That results in more efficient water use and thus reduces water demand. The value and cost-effectiveness of a water efficiency measure must be evaluated in relation to its effects on the use and cost of other natural resources (e.g. Energy or chemicals). Water can be conserved in a lot of ways and most of us are aware of those means. It is our duty to actually implement those in our daily life.Show MoreRelatedPublic Environmental Aware ness and Education1615 Words  | 7 PagesPublic Environmental Awareness and Education Action can be taken in a variety of areas to increase environmental awareness and education. Some of these categories are: environmental legal rights and responsibilities and associated consequences, use of the media, awareness raising campaigns, incorporation of environmental issues in mainstream education, increasing awareness and education in target groups and encouragement of public participation in environmental matters. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Interview On The Interview - 2332 Words
Eighty-six-and-a-half years of age, Caucasian man, â€Å"J.M.†graciously agreed to participate in this aging and systems interview. The interview was conducted in J.M.’s studio room of his home where his life’s work hangs on the walls and books, articles, awards, and family pictures surround him. This studio is also where J.M. spends a substantial amount of time researching different topics of interest on the internet, working on art at his table and sending comical e-mails to his family. He lives in a cozy, eco-friendly, single story home with his companion, my grandmother, and their two rescue dogs. As the interview starts J.M. is smiling, laughing, and making sure his oxygen is on; (he has no lung reserve). J.M. was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, emphysema, cardiomyopathy with aortic pulmonic tricuspid, and also suffers with arthritis. He was given six months to live two years ago. J.M. is on a three times a day schedule of multiple medicines and relies on his daily two hour nap to recharge. His breathing significantly limits his activities. He once swam, biked, and walked in one day; now the acts of getting up to plug in his razor and then to sit down, require a significant toll on his strength. J.M. complains of his arms and legs not working as they once did, and pulling muscles in his back more frequently, which at times can be debilitating. J.M. mentions residual damage from a fall years ago from scaffolding eighteen feet high, in which he fell and landed onShow MoreRelatedInterview : Interview And Interview915 Words  | 4 PagesInterview: Mak Recently, I had taken the time to interview Mak. Her full name is Eunice Mak and is a young lady of 26 years living in San Francisco, California with her grandparents, parents, and brother. She graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development. She currently works at Kaiser as a Pharmacy Technician. Mak was born in Hong Kong, China and migrated along with her parents to Vancouver, Canada when she was only one-year-old. She later migratedRead MoreAn Interview At The Interview Essay1583 Words  | 7 PagesDemographics On October 26, 2016 an interview was conducted with Mr. Johnathan Bracey. During the interview session Mr. Bracey was able to clearly state basic information about himself. Basic information such as: Date of birth/age, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, marital/relationship status, primary language, socioeconomic status, and religion. When asked his date of birth Mr. Bracey stated, â€Å"I was born on the fifth of August during the year 1991, so I am currently twenty-five yearsRead MoreA Interview With An Interview Essay2011 Words  | 9 Pagesthe assignment was to interview another person and record it, then later analyze how well you used interview techniques. The interview was to last fifteen minutes and discuss why your interviewee had decided to choose a career in the health field. General Aspects of an Interview Overall, the interview was accomplished with few complications. There was definitely areas of the interview that need attending to, and there were areas in which I excelled. The dyadic interview started with an openingRead MoreA Interview At An Interview1585 Words  | 7 Pagesthe submission of my application, I received an email inviting me to the interview that would be conducted in company’s office in London. Overall, in my opinion, I did my best in terms of the preparation. I researched the company’s history, read about its most popular products and familiarized myself with the recent industry and company’s news (Burke and Thurgood 2007). A week prior to the interview date I attended an interview preparation session organized by the Careers Office which, as noted byRead MoreThe Interview With A Interview Essay1382 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough, all the participants had not experienced being in an interview before, they agree to have the interviews record ed. For them, it was the first time spoke openly to a person outside of their family and friends’ cycle about their experience. Women showed their interest on my research and felt that their participation might be helpful in informing cancer health care services. My aim from the recorded interviews is to understand how women response and interact with my questions that enabledRead MoreAn Interview With A Interview1691 Words  | 7 PagesAn interview involves communication between at least two persons. Each contributor impacts and is impacted by the responses of the other. The practice of interviewing is central to the work done in many mental health settings. Interviews may be conducted for a variety of intended purposes and can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured to best serve the purpose of the interview. The goals of a particular interview relate to the context in which that interview is conducted. Ethical clinicalRead MoreA Interview On The Interview2335 Wo rds  | 10 Pagessystems interview. The interview was conducted in J.M.’s studio room of his home where his life’s work hangs on the walls and books, articles, awards, and family pictures surround him. This studio is also where J.M. spends a lot of time researching different topics of interest on the internet, working on art at his table and sending funny e-mails to his family. He lives in a cozy, eco-friendly, single story home with his companion, my grandmother, and their two rescue dogs. 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However, we were able to compose ourselves and have a successful dialogue, where I was able to ask serious questions for the assignment. We had an effective conversationRead MoreInterview On The Interview Process872 Words  | 4 Pagesfor an interview. A job interview is never meant to scare the applicant away, but it is meant to create new futures and open doors giving them new and endless possibilities. It takes a lot of work to be fully prepared for your job interview; you need the right attire, make-up, and knowledge. As you’re driving to the interview you’re probably nervous, anxious, or wondering what questions will be asked by your future boss. The three main stages in the interview process are accepting an interview, getting
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business and Government in Global Content†
Question: Discuss about the Business and Government in Global Content. Answer: Introduction Over the years, weather and climate have changed due to many factors. These factors are mainly associated to human activities. Human beings have become innovative in nature which has contributed to some notable changes in the climate. One of the climate change that has been discussed and documented is global warming. Many parts of the world that experience global warming have recorded losses and other adverse effects brought by this dangerous occurrence. The irony of it all is that, human beings have caused it and the negative impacts of global warming have bounced back to them. For the purpose of this paper, global warming has been interpreted to mean climate change. However, for clarity it is defined as the general and typical increase in the average temperature scale of the worlds climate system and the impacts associated to it. Geographers and geologists have conducted scientific research that provide concrete evidence that the worlds climate system is warming up (Lambsdorff 2012 ). This rate of warming is directly proportional to human activities. This paper aim at critically analyzing the drawbacks caused by global warming and the intervention of the business world and government on the same. Problems posed by global warming The world environmental organization has being in the forefront to educate people on the causes and difficult drawbacks posed by global warming. Human beings have not once but times without numbers ignored this important warning. Therefore they have continued conducting human activities that indicate a perfect positive correlation to the increasing rate of global warming (Incropera 2015). A lot of bottlenecks have therefore emerged. The predominant cause of global warming is human inference. These negative impacts have adversely affected the entire business fraternity. To start with, global warming leads to release or emission of toxic gases. Actually. These are the commonly known greenhouse gases such as Sulphur IV oxide, methane, carbon IV oxide and very toxic nitrous oxide. These gases have adverse effects on human and animal species. Once these gases dissolves in the humidity in the atmosphere, they cause acid rain (Houghton 2015). This results to rusting of roofs. Businesses are also affected by greenhouse gases since some customers and products are sensitive to toxic gases. Secondly, it causes the general warming of global temperature, changing of precipitation and making the sea level to rise (Plimer 2009). This pose a serious problem to business world and many investors are exposed to risk of uncertainty in business venture. Increase in global temperature may result to expansion of deserts thus affecting agricultural business people. Again, global warming increase the heat wave, drought and heavy snowfall. This lower the world food security . This simply means inability to save. Without saving, business activities cannot be carried out successfully. Heavy snowfalls reduces movement of people from their homes to workplace. This in return lowers the cash inflows in the business. In addition, acidification of oceans is yet another problem posed by global warming. This affect the aquatic and maritime activities such as fishing. All those business people who relies on oceans to generate income are adversely affected. Companies processing fish products collapse and a lot of people lose their jobs. Another drawback is reduction and threat to security of food caused by poor yields in agriculture (Ball 2016). This aspect has affected the majority of people in third world counties and developing countries who depend mainly on agriculture to support their economy. Low crop yield is associated to the prolonged drought and at times floods that destroy a lot of quality food products. Due to global warming, it becomes difficult to predict weather at a given point in time. Flooding leads to destruction of roads. This hinders transport system. Business people are therefore unable to access markets and customers and consumers are unable to access goods and services. This lo wers the entire business activities. Furthermore, shifting of temperature regime have brought about extinction of species. Lastly, global warming have made people to abandon populated areas. This is caused by rise in sea level. Intervention of government business for and against global warming Most governments are providing civic education to the citizens on how human inference and activities brings about the changes in climate and in particular the global warming. However, some governments have done very little if any concerning global warning and its impact on the past, current and future success of world business operations (Maslin 2013). The Australian government has enacted ways to mitigate climate changes by lowering the emission of greenhouse gases. This has been achieved by innovation of carbon sinks which have capacity to absorb toxic gases present in the atmosphere. A lot of energy conservation and energy efficiency have been enacted to enhance future elimination of emission of gases. Again, governments have advised their citizens to apply the low-carbon energy sources that include nuclear energy and renewable energy. Carbon sinks have been achieved through elimination of deforestation and promotion of reforestation. Technological mitigations are also applied in this case to lower global warming. However, some governments and business people fail to take this issue with the seriousness it deserve. This is because, many of the human activities that causes global warming tend to raise revenue to the government and interested business stakeholders. Production of electricity energy from coal generate a lot of wealth to business people and raise revenue to governments. This implies that, some government may enact policies to protect these businesses so as to raise the underling wealth while on the other side the environment is greatly affected. Some countries failed to join the United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Allen 2011). They is because they are interested in some human activities that generate wealth but in the long run cause global warming. Conclusion In conclusion, it is a responsibility of every individual to protect the environment so as to maintain a friendly climate for all living organisms. Governments and businesses need to keep their differences aside. They need to join hands and enact rules, regulations and policies that will promote business empowerment and at the same instance protect climatic changes such as global warming. References Allen, RC 2011, Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction, OUP Oxford. Ball, T 2016, Human Caused Global Warming, Timothy Ball. Houghton, J 2015, Global Warming: The Complete Briefing, Cambridge University Press. Incropera, FP 2015, Climate Change: A Wicked Problem: Complexity and Uncertainty at the Intersection of Science, Economics, Politics and Human Behavior, Cambridge University Press. Maslin, M 2013, Climate: A very Short Introduction. OUP Oxford. Plimer, I 2009, Heaven and Earth: Global Warming-The Missing Science, Quartet Books. Lambsdorff, JG 2012, making corrupt deals-contracting in the shadow of the law, journal of Economic behavior and organization, pp. 221-241. Australian Government, Department of the Environment 2017, The Australian Government's action on climate change. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 29 August 2017).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Poe, Edgar Allen The Masque Of The Red Death Essays -
Poe, Edgar Allen: The Masque of the Red Death Period C The Masque of the Red Death Poe uses heavy symbolism throughout the story to convey his underlying theme: the inevitability of death and the futility of trying to escape death. The prince's name, Prospero, generally denotes happiness and prosperity. The Prince possesses these characteristics yet is faced with a plague that he desperately attempting to avoid. This oxymoron is used to hint that this man of exuberance will soon be faced with tragedy. The fires in each of the suite rooms serve as a representation of death. Poe depicts them to be "a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire that projected its rays through tinted glass?But in the western or black chamber, the effect of the firelight upon the dark hangings through the blood tinted panes was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who enter it that there are few?bold enough to set foot within it". The description is meant to produce a mysterious atmosphere in the west in contrast to a propitious one in the east. This can relate to the pattern of the sun's movement. The sunrise in the east represents light and new life for the day. However, the sunset in the west means the end of a day and darkness. Poe uses the element of darkness as a visual representation of death. The black clock is also a symbolic element in Poe's story. "Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when the minute hand made the circuit?it was observed that the giddiest turned pale, and the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation". The timepiece represents the rapid passing of time in life. Every time the clock strikes the hour, the musicians quit playing and all of the revelers momentarily cease their celebrating. It is as though each hour is "to be stricken" upon their brief and fleeting lives. To emphasize the brevity of life, the fleeting of life and time, and the nearness of death, Poe reminds the reader that between the striking of each hour, there elapses "three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies." The significance of the seventh room is apparent throughout the entire story. Black usually symbolizes death, and it tends to be used in connection with death. Furthermore, in describing the black d?cor of the room, the narrator says it is "shrouded" in velvet, shrouded being a term generally referring to death. In addition, the window panes are "scarlet-a deep blood color." The relationship between blood and death is an essential aspect because Poe wants the reader to have a visual image of the blood flowing down the walls as a form of death. This is an obvious reference to the "Red Death". When the masked "Red death" makes his appearance, he moves rapidly from the Eastern room (symbolic of the beginning of life) to the Western room (symbolic of the end of life). In addition, the black chamber furthers Poe's theme. The prince rushes "hurriedly through the six chambers", but as he approaches the unwanted "guest", his dagger stops, and he falls dead upon the black carpet. This signifies that death cannot be destroyed (or avoided) as Prospero tries to prevent his fate from occurring. It is a universal force against humankind that holds "illimitable domain over all". Significantly, the appearance of the "Red Death" at midnight is propitious and symbolic. This is the end of the day, and, by analogy, the end of life. The "unwanted" guest's costume additionally contains some meaning. The mask portrays the message that death is an event that cannot be predicted. It is undetectable; a matter disguised as a variety of things in which its victims are unable to escape from. Death is superior to all defying powers and can overcome anything, as it overcomes Prospero's "impenetrable" walls to claim his victims. Poe is highly successful in showing the importance of symbolism to visualize death. His creative meanings behind several objects in the story further his reinforce theme of death's inevitability.
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