Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment in HR Management Essay

1. Table of Contents: Preface i. Ethics and Fair Treatment at Work ii. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work? iii. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment? iv. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacy v. Managing Dismissals 2. Why I Selected This Book/Article: For the Course HRMN250 Human Resource Management 3. Book Theme (Key Quote): â€Å"Ethics and fair treatment play important roles in managing employees at work. Of course, few societies rely solely on managers’ ethics or sense of fairness to ensure that they do what’s right by their employee.† 4. Abstract: I. Ethics and Fair Treatment at Work. Ethics are normative judgments based on questions of morality. Ethics refers to what you stand for whereas fairness and justice are seen in terms of a decision’s result and the process of arriving at the same. Many countries have laws and legislations governing worker’s rights, not leaving them solely to an employer’s ethics. II. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work? Several influences may determine whether a person acts ethical or not at work. They include: the boss: the  company; the organizational culture aided by a code of ethics; and the person themselves. III. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment? Personnel methods such as selection, ethics training, performance appraisals, reward and disciplinary systems, managing compliance and personnel related method for ensuring fair treatment are tools which managers use to promote ethics and fair treatment in the organization. IV. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacy. Employee discipline may be punitive or non-punitive but should be fair and progressive, with an appeal forum. Employee screening and background checks are useful appraisal tool but should respect privacy laws or be given employee consented. V. Managing Dismissals. Fairness should be communicated in the involuntary termination of an employee’s employment and should be upheld by contractual agreements that show support for the same between the firm and the employee to avoid wrongful discharge claims. Layoffs, downsizing or closing plants should be down strategically and cautiously within legislative frameworks. 5. Brief Discussion of Book/Article Units/Sections/Chapters: I. Ethics and Fair Treatment at Work A. Principles of conduct governing an individual or group and are based on 1. Normative Judgments a. Something is either good or bad 2. Question of morality a. Society’s highest standard of behavior B. â€Å"Few societies rely solely on managers’ ethics or sense of fairness to ensure that they do what’s right by their employee.† They instead: 1. Formulated legislations to a. Protect employees i. Employees rights b. Enforce laws C. Justice is separated by experts into 1. Distributive Justice that shows a decision’s result exhibits a. Fairness b. Justice 2. Procedural Justice shows a. Fairness of process II. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work? A. The person 1. The person most responsible for his or her own behavior B. The boss 1. Several elements of leadership determine ethical behavior including exhibiting a. Coercion b. Pressure c. Unfair/bias treatment of employee C. The organization’s culture including 1. The characteristics values, tradition and behavior a company’s employees share 2. The firm’s leaders ability to a. Walk the talk b. Clarify expectations c. Provide needed support for employees to make ethical decisions d. Provide an ethical code which is i. A document memorializing the standard that the employer expects the employees to adhere to III. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment including the following A. Selection processes such as 1. Performing background checks 2. Ask ethical questions in the interview 3. Be fair in recruitment process a. Use good selection tools b. Respect applicants c. Provide useful feedback 4. Have establish formal ethical procedures B. Ethics training which involves 1. Teaching employees how to recognized a. Dilemmas b. Implications of actions c. Resolve dilemmas 2. Managers commitment to ethics 3. Having new-employees’ orientation 4. Equipping employees’ with a. Handbooks and copy of code of ethics b. Refresher courses C. Performance Appraisals – these attest to how fair or ethical an organization is and should be to employees 1. Clear 2. Understandable 3. Objective 4. Rewarding of ethical behavior D. Reward and Discipline 1. Swift to punish unethical behaviors 2. Rewarding of ethical ones E. Managing Ethical Compliance – To ensure compliance to legal and organizational ethical standards companies can set up 1. Frameworks 2. Procedures 3. Departments F. Supervisors and Fairness 1. Involve employees in a. Decisions that affect them 2. Make all aware of standards of evaluation 3. Communication should be a. Two-ways b. Practical IV. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacy A. Enforcing discipline encourages sensible behavior 1. Fair justice and disciplining involves 3 pillars a. Rules and Regulations b. Employees’ handbook 2. System of progressive penalties a. Gives a sense of fairness and opportunity for remedial b. Depends on severity of infringement 3. Process of Appeal a. Gives a sense of fairness and opportunity for remedial B. Discipline can be punitive or nonpunitive 1. Nonpunitive includes a. Issuing oral reminder b. If incidents arise again within six weeks i. Formal written reminder placed on file c. Further incident i. Give one-day paid leave for employee to sort out self d. Further incident i. Dismissal C. Employee Privacy – 1. Several employer actions that triggers most violation include a. Background checks b. Monitoring off-duty conduct c. Drug testing d. Workplace searches 2. By-laws that protect the same a. No bathroom or locker-room surveillance b. Cannot publish private matter such as i. Medical records c. May not appropriate employees’ name or likeness for commercial use without consent 3. Employee monitoring- a. This includes i. Reading their emails incoming and outgoing ii. Blocking sites iii. Monitoring in/out times as per workplace 4. Restrictions and guidelines a. Electronic Communication Act which i. Makes eavesdropping of employee legal up to a point ii. States monitored calls if found to be personal should not be further monitored iii. Business purpose exception iv. Consent exception V. Managing Dismissals A. Dismissal 1. Involuntary termination of employment 2. Most drastic organizational disciplinary action 3. Requires special care 4. Should be based on proper grounds 5. Should be done after effort to i. Rehabilitate person ii. Salvage person B. Aspects include 1. Termination at will where a. No contractual obligation between both parties i. Either employee can be terminated at any point/any reason ii. Employee can resign at any time/reason 2. Wrongful Discharge- Include a. Dismissals that i. Violate law ii. Fails to comply with contractual agreement aa. Stated ab. Implied b. Statutory Exceptions which are i. Governing laws that prohibits some kind of dismissals such as aa. Reporting safety violation c. Common law exceptions d. Public Policy Exception – where employee refuses i. To break an explicit public law ii. Well establish public policy C. Grounds for dismissal include 1. Unsatisfactory performance, for example a. Tardiness b. Can’t perform duties applicable to employment c. Absenteeism issues 2. Misconduct 3. Lack of qualifications 4. Changed requirement for the job i. Nature of job ii. Job no longer required or available 5. Insubordination D. Fairness in dismissals entails a. Giving full explanation as to why b. Progressive approach c. Process of dismissal i. Who does it ii. How it is done iii. Where it is done iv. Follow up services for the dismissed E. Security measures as per dismissals a. Disabling the dismissed i. Access to compound ii. Computers and other equipment iii. Access to phones and other assets F. Avoiding wrongful dismissal lawsuits 1. Create perception of fairness in a. Employment policies b. Grievance procedures 2. Make employees feel they are treated fairly 3. All employment-related policies, procedures and documents should be a. Reviewed b. Referenced 4. Have employee sign a. A â€Å"no fixed term of employment contract† b. Or a termination at any time clause 5. Communicate job expectations clearly 6. Make personnel supervisors liable; they should a. Be familiar with applicable laws b. Not at in anger c. Utilize the HR department for advice D. The Termination Interview – where the employee is informed of their dismissal 1. Plan carefully a. Make sure schedule is kept by i. Person doing the dismissal ii. Employee b. Use neutral location i. Not your office c. Have security or medical numbers at hand d. Keep interview to maximum 10 minutes e. Have all needed documents 2. Get to the point 3. Describe the situation, don’t emphasize person’s fault 4. Listen 5. Speak calmly 6. Review all elements of severance package 7. Identify the next step for the dismissed such as a. Outplacement counseling b. Exit interview as to i. Get insight as to what the company is doing right or wrong E. Layoffs, Downsizing and the Plant Closing Law 1. These are non-disciplinary separation such as a. Retirement b. Resigning c. Layoffs/bump-off – i. Selecting employees to take time-off with the expectation to return to work in the future d. Downsizing – usually reducing dramatically the number of people employed by a firm 2. The plant Closing Law (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act 1989) a. Firms of 100 or more workers must give at least 60 days’ notice before i. Closing down facility ii. Starting a layoff of 50 or more workers b. Doesn’t prevent organizations from shutting down c. Does not obligate firms to save job d. Does require adequate notice by employers to allow time for employees i. To job search ii. To retrain iii. To adjust to circumstances e. Penalty for infringement of this act include i. 1 day pay for everyday of the violation aa. That is, days when the notice should have been given F. Layoff Process 1. Plan for layoffs a. Have up-to-date appraisals in advance aa. This attests to rationale behind layoff procedure 2. Layoff implies softness a. Termination implies (cut off) 3. Layoff is characterized usually a. Work is not available b. Expected to be short term c. Expected recalling of employees at later date 4. Sensible Layoff Steps involves a. Identifying objectives and constraints b. Forming a downsizing team c. Addressing legal issues i. Reviewing factors of those being laid off including aa. Gender ab. Race ac. Religion d. Address security issues, including i. Personal ii. Infrastructural iii. Data e. Remain informative and truthful f. Plan post-implementation action i. Especially for remaining workers aa. Boost morale etc. 5. Dismissal Effect – plan to manage effect on a. Victims b. Survivors c. Managers i. Health 6. Layoff/Bump-off Procedures – detailed procedure determining who will be laid off it no work is available a. Survivors often chosen by i. Seniority aa. Based on date joining the firm not a particular position ii. Merit 7. Alternatives to layoffs a. Voluntary reduction in pay to keep everyone working b. Concentrating employees vacation during slow times i. Avoids having to hire seasonal workers c. Voluntary time off d. Offering early retirement packages e. Hiring temporary workers with the understanding that â€Å"they would be first to go† G. Adjusting to Downsizing and Layoffs 1. Downsizing a. Usually to boost financial position of the organization b. Boosting the morale of survivors and management is essential 2. Mergers and Acquisition a. Employees may now be hypersensitive as to unfair treatment management must i. Avoid appearing dominant ii. Avoid â€Å"win-lose† behavior iii. Remain business-like and professional always iv. Remain positive about acquired firms v. Remember that how the organization treats acquired employees affects aa. Organizational morale ab. Productivity ac. Commitment VI. Practitioner/Researcher Value of Book: A. The practitioner value of the book – The chapter â€Å"Ethics, Justice and Fair Treatment in HR Management† is of great practitioner value for several reasons. These reasons include firstly, the chapter’s readableness (the state or quality of being readable). The chapter has a uniform layoff where its main points or learning outcomes are indicated in an emboldened blue font of serif. Subtopics within these learning outcomes are given emboldened  red fonts of sans serif and further subtopics are indicated using emboldened green fonts of sans serif. Thus the chapter is uniformly organized and makes for easy reading and finding of key concepts and other information. Definitions are clearly highlighted at the foot of each page that has a gray background. The chapters’ practitioner’s value is shown also by the several tables and charts that conveniently summarize large amounts of information making for quick referencing by any practitioner. An example of this includes figure 14-12 on page 553, which shows the â€Å"Median Week of Severance Pay by Job Level†. This summative and quick reference format of key textbook and practical procedures for the issuance of severance is essentially useful to practitioners looking for reliable and timely solutions to everyday challenges. The chapter’s practitioner value is further attested to by several case studies and practical examples that show the key concepts presented being use in the real world and having practical application and relevance. Several case studies including that involving the infamous Enron (page 562) presents to the practitioner the relevance and implication of ethics by an organization. Comprehensive case studies are also presented at the end of the book in Appendix B such as that which deals with the ethical underpinnings of conduct of BP Texas management in relations to the March 2005 explosion. Practicality of the book/chapter is attested to by examples like that on page 547-48 which presents an example of employee monitoring software, thus presenting to practitioner a practical example of the concept of employee monitoring and furthermore giving a suggested tool to implement the same. Finally the chapter’s practitioner value is depicted by several step-by-step procedures that give the practitioner easy and ready to use procedures that they can easily implement for results and solutions. Page 546 gives an example of this for disciplining employees without punishment offering a readily available reference tool and guide for the practitioner to administer the same. B. The researcher value of the book The chapter (book) contains prodigious referencing. From its charts to tables to defining of key terms are given full reference linking information to their authors, websites and primary sources. Each chapter has its own endnote reference listing which gives all sources referenced as per the chapter. The sources are mainly in the form of scholarly journals and  articles attesting to the credibility of the information presented in the chapter. This chapter in question has about a WHOPPING 117 sources as per the information presented therein. Sources are easily verifiable. The books content are easily accessible as it contains an extension name and organization index with some 1200 entries. Its subject index is quite impressive as well in terms of its precision of search terms, concepts and points. The book/chapter presents an impressive Evidence Based HR section that presents evidence of how managers manage based on facts and evidence lending credence to the usefulness, credibility, applicability of the information presented. The book also presents authoritative findings and guidelines from professional bodies including The Society of Human Resource Management or SHRM as well as brief In-Text Study Guide from the SHRM organization. I therefore fully believe that the book is fully valuable to the researcher. VII. Final Impact Statement: In terms of ethics, justice and fair treatment in human resource management, we glean the importance of firstly the individual having a firm ethical framework, the organization also fostering the same and the society which embellishes the same. Governments are the regulating and enforcing entities of the same. We note in closing the authors remarks: â€Å"Of course, few societies rely solely on managers’ ethics or sense of fairness to ensure that they do what’s right by [to] their employees.† (Dessler, 2011, p. 533.). Instead we see legislations are used which at the minimum, organizations tend to subscribe to, and which satisfies both parties.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chemistry practice skills Essay

What type of forces must be overcome when solid I2 dissolves in methanol, CH3OH? Induced dipole What type of forces must be disrupted between CH3OH molecules when I2 dissolves? Hydrogen bonding What type of forces exist between I2 and CH3OH molecules in solution? Dipole-Induced Dipole 4) What type of intermolecular forces must be overcome in converting each of the following from a liquid to a gas? a) CO2 London forces, dipole-dipole b) NH3 London forces, dipole-dipole, hydrogen c) CHCl3 London forces, dipole-dipole d) CCl4 London forces 6) Rank the following in order of increasing strength of intermolecular forces in the pure substances. Which substance exists as a gas at 25 Â ®C and 1 atm? He < CH3OH < CH3CH2CH2CH3 He (helium) and CH3CH2CH2CH3 (butane) exist as a gas at 25Â ® C and 1 atm 12) The enthalpy of vaporization of liquid mercury is 59.11kJ/mol. What quantity of energy as heat is required to vaporize 0.500 mL of mercury at 357Â ®C, its normal boiling point? The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL. 2.0 kJ 16) Figure 12.17 a) if water is placed in a sealed milk carton at 60 degrees Celsius and sealed tightly and allowed to cool, eventually there will be an equilibrium of liquid and vapor. Gas is not able to escape and masses of the liquid and vapor remain constant. b) assuming that the temperature your hand is below 34.6 degrees Celsius, liquid diethyl ether should remain a liquid if dropped on your hand. 22) Vapor pressure data for octane C8H18 38.6 kJ/mol, normal boiling point 128Â ® C 26) What factors affect the viscosity of a substance? Temperature, size of the molecule, polarity, and the amount of substance present affect viscosity. Which of the following substances is expected to have the highest viscosity? Glycerol has the highest viscosity because it has the greatest amount of intermolecular forces. Should viscosity of a substance be affected by temperature? Explain. As the temperature of a liquid increases the kinetic energy required to separate the intermolecular forces also increases. The amount of separation that occurs is a measure of the viscosity, the opposite effect occurs when a liquid is cooled as the energy level is minimal.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Export Strategy for a Bridge Joint Manufacture Essay

An Export Strategy for a Bridge Joint Manufacture - Essay Example Ennis Prismo in terms of rendering services in such various categories related to public needs focuses to enhance on the dimension of safety, reliability, accountability and innovation. Ennis Prismo, an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified company has gained the experience to serve the different service and product categories through the rendering of quality and high standard products. Ennis Prismo operating from its manufacturing plant based in Chorley, United Kingdom focuses on gaining market in different regions pertaining to European and African nations and also to countries relating to Middle East. Thus Ennis Prismo operating both in the traffic and other manufacturing and construction sectors pertaining to roads and bridges has become a highly known brand. Ennis Prismo in addition to marketing its products pertaining to European, African and other Middle East regions is now focusing to gain an effective entry into the American markets for its Bridge Joint products. The paper in thi s regard would tend to focus on the feasibility of the United States market as a growing export region for Bridge Joints manufactured by Ennis Prismo (Ennis Prismo, n.d.). Business and Market Environment Analysis The business and marketing environment for Bridge Joints in United States would be analysed based on two models based on PESTLE Analysis and also based on evaluation of the Industrial Life Cycle for the same in the region. PESTEL Analysis Political Political environment pertaining to the construction of bridges in United States being analysed reflects that the government of the region focuses more on the repairs and development of existing bridge structures rather than focusing on the construction of new bridges. A survey conducted based on the 2009 period states that out of the total expenditure incurred by United States government on infrastructural development only 6.2 percent was dedicated for the construction of new bridges and highways. However of late political empha sis pertaining to bridge construction is found to change with the collaboration of private bodies thereby gradually cultivating a market for the need of Bridge Joints (The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA

Friday, September 27, 2019

Bibliography sketch of the author Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bibliography sketch of the author - Essay Example Because of his articulate literature, he has won several awards, including the Margaret Edwards Award, National Humanities Medal, and Newbery Medal (Stevens 86). Richard did not begin his career as a novelist. He was a high school teacher who read passionately and dreamt of becoming a novelist one day. He started his writing profession when he was transferred to a junior high school as an English teacher. Occasioned by this transfer, he decided to cut short his teaching career and embark on writing novels. He used his observations at the junior school to write his first novel. He learned a lot from his students. Richard Wayne Peck loved young adult very much. He wanted to inspire their mind change their thinking. That is why Richard chose to write about Young-adult fiction, mystery, and horror (Bostrom 204). Richard is a well-educated writer. He studied his first degree at DePauw University in 1956. He advanced with a bachelors gradation in English and spent much of his time as a member of Delta Chi fraternity at University of Exeter. Later in 1959, he completed his masters degree in English at Southern Illinois University. He also taught junior school and high school English while studying his masters at the university. He continued teaching English until 1971 when he authored his first novel entitled â€Å"Dont Look and It Wont Hurt.† The novel was published in 1972 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. The novel illustrates the life of a teenage girl who was struggling to understand her place within the world and her family. Richard is a versatile novelist. He has steadily grown to join the list America’s most respected writers. He is cherished by young adults and middle graders worldwide because of his mystical coming of age novels. He writes novels that are perfectly suited for children and young adult literature. In fact, every association and publications dealing with children literature have recommended Richard Peck’s books. His

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Story of an hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Story of an hour - Essay Example To get to a point of climax, stories are read and films are watched. This is what determines whether a story is good or bad as it is the focal point of the story. A sure climax will give a situation where there is a double approval or double disapproval. The short story by Kate Chopin, ‘The story of an hour’, offers every detail on its way to the death of Louise Mallard which is the climax of the story and comes so suddenly that most readers are caught off guard. It is a great story since it gives a lot of details as it leads to the climax. Chopin handles issues that are complex in the story as they involve the mixed feelings that Mallard had when she heard of the death of her husband in a train accident. They were marriage, female independence and love. The death of her husband gives her feelings that are conflicting as she feels the pain of her loss while at the same time; she is excited at the prospect of being independent as a female since there was no man to answer to after his death. The story ends in a manner that is not easy to predict as there is a new twist to the tale with the revelation that her husband was actually n ot dead killing her dream of being independent instantly. She dies from the shock and it is her husband who is freed from her and he stays to enjoy the independence that she would envy even in death. The story however does not go far enough to tell the reader what kind of emotions and thoughts went through Mr. Mallard’s mind. In her story, Chopin makes Mrs. Mallard look like a sympathetic person who is strong in mind and has an insight. This is shown by the fact that she feels the pain of the loss of her husband but is strong enough and knows very well that it is no use getting attached to the loss but it is important to take advantage of the freedom that comes from the loss. In other words she takes on the positives from the loss. In the past American wives always answered to their husbands but those women who were

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Volunteer activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Volunteer activity - Essay Example For this reason, continued pollution of an environment aims at altering environment that in turn expose them hazardous conditions. The idea of offering a service to the fewer fortunes struck my mind when I attended the mosque for the prayer service. It was their idea and I thought it could be of extreme importance to the fewer fortunes when implemented. The job was door to door walk with the aim of collecting clothing’s and bedding from the neighbourhood. I was unable to meet the deadline during my first attempt just because I felt ill. Later, I did my inquiry about the location and the name of the local shelter where I could deliver my collections. Fortunately, my inquiry was fruitful. Thereafter, I walked out for the collection from friends and neighbours. I managed to collect several bags of blankets and sleeping bags and approximately three large bags of coats and clothing which I delivered the local shelter. I felt comfortable doing the job and I will not hesitate to do it or activity of a similar kind once

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

To what extent can a democracy infringe Human right through means of Research Paper

To what extent can a democracy infringe Human right through means of torture in order to preserve National security - Research Paper Example Conversely, so much have been talked about ways in which the states are handling the terror suspects. For example, while some people are supporting the idea of detention of terrorist without trial, others are against the idea. They argue that detention of a person without trial is a violation of human rights. International terrorism has been the greatest challenge to every state trying to deal with it. The biggest challenge is however the balance between terrorism and human rights. This paper explains some issues brought forward against states with regard terrorist detention. It also presents steps taken by the states such as the U.S. to stop terrorist. Many people disagree on the definition of terrorism meaning that there is more than one definition of terrorism. According to White (4), terrorism is an act that has to be analysed, measured, and weighed. In addition, the definition of terrorism is presented by different people based on their political and social realities and so there are many definitions. However, there is one that many scholars are using to explain the picture of terrorism. White (4) point out â€Å"that terrorism is an act or threatened act of violence against innocent people for political purposes.† This one definition used by scholars to bring out the picture of terrorism. Department of homeland security have taken quite a number of measures to counter terrorist, this includes, anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism programs. Anti-terrorism is steps taken by state to reduce the threat posed by terrorist. On the other hand, counter-terrorism is offensive measures taken to disrupt, preempt and respond to terrorism. Other measures include terrorism consequence management; the state prepares for consequences of terrorist incidences (Kraft and Marks, n.p). Counter-terrorism measures taken by the U.S. assisted in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Childhood Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Childhood Experience - Essay Example The paper tells that during the author’s first day in the new school, his mother dropped him off and he was led by the Principal into his first class. The researcher was very nervous and also excited. When he was introduced by the teacher as a new student, he noticed that all the students looked at him strangely – like he looked different or he was growing horns or something. This made him feel very shy and even more nervous. A chair was pointed out to the author and when he took his seat, he felt them all staring at him, particularly one girl sitting two seats in front of the author. When he braved a look at her, he saw that her eyes were squinted at him, like she was angry at him. He felt threatened by her intimidating stare. The researcher tried his best to ignore her and just listen to his teacher. During their recess, he was too nervous to go out with the other children to play, so he opened his lunchbox and just took out the sandwich his mother prepared for him. A s the author laid it out on his table, it was suddenly snatched from behind. The researchers looked at him and it was the girl who was staring at him during our class. She thanked him for the sandwich and then took a bite out of it. She then went on to spit out what she bit, saying it was disgusting. The researcher was too shocked and surprised to react to what she was doing. He did not know what to do, and when he tried to get his sandwich back, she pushed him back to his chair. At that point, their teacher came in and asked what was happening.... In the playground, I ran straight for the farthest part of the grounds, looking behind me to check if Annabelle was following me. Fortunately, I was not followed. I found a big bush with a bench behind it and I could not help but cry. I felt so miserable and lonely. Then I heard the rustling of the bush and suddenly a red-headed girl emerged. She asked me why I was crying and I told her about Annabelle. She told me that Annabelle was the class bully and she was always mean to the other children in the class. She said her name was Kathleen. She confessed that she was also bullied by Annabelle when they were in their first grade and it looks like she found a new girl to bully, namely me. She told me that whenever Annabelle is coming near, I should go close to any of the teachers and Annabelle would eventually back off. I felt better after having met Kathleen. For the next few weeks, I did what she taught me and Annabelle could not get close to bully me anymore. One time though, she cau ght me alone in class again and was trying to grab my bag. It was a good thing that Kathleen saw me being bullied and she ran to get our teacher who immediately came to reprimand Annabelle. Annabelle was sent to the Principal’s office. She never tried to bully me after that, especially as Kathleen and I grew to be best friends, keeping each other company and protecting each other when we could. Annabelle’s parents were later called and they told of their daughter’s bullying habits. The following year, Annabelle was transferred to another school by her parents. Kathleen and I have remained good friends throughout the years. And although I had a difficult time that year, I gained a friend in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

IT support for virtual teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT support for virtual teams - Essay Example There are a numerous reasons why virtual teams are turning out to be so popular these days. The basic reason is the reality that we live in the information age, as different to the industrial age. In view of the fact that the information travels at the speed of light, and those who have access to the most modern and fastest communication and collaboration technologies are capable to send data quickly. The capability to transmit data and information at fast speeds, combined with the power of the web, has caused the formation of "virtual corporations." However, the most influential aspect of the virtual team is that it is not limited to their physical location. In addition, virtual teams are as well extremely efficient for the reason that they do not have any "off" hours. For instance, in case of a traditional business environment, where all their staff members are available at the same location, has an 8 hour-work per day. On the other hand, in a virtual environment virtual team membe rs have a 24 hour-work per day. For instance, when the workers in one time zone are inactive, the others are operational. Thus, virtual teams are able to get more done in a small period of time as compared to the traditional teams. A virtual team can contain members from all over the world. It can comprise knowledge and expertise from any culture and any country (Exforsys Inc., 2009). Traditionally, a project team refers to a social group of individuals who are collocated and mutually dependent in their jobs. In fact, they carry out and organize their tasks to attain common objectives and contribute to task for effective results. Virtual teams have objectives similar to the traditional teams, however, they use different infrastructure as compared to traditional project teams. In this scenario, they perform their tasks without having the limitations of time, organizational boundaries and geographical locations associated with

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Principle Role of Financial Intermediaries Essay Example for Free

The Principle Role of Financial Intermediaries Essay There are evidences that â€Å"financial intermediaries play a key role in improving the performance of the economy†. (Morawski 4) Not to mention that they â€Å"could even act as a good predictor of long run rates of economic growth, capital accumulation and productivity improvement† (King and Levine cited in Chakraborty 1). However, what –exactly- is the principle role of financial intermediaries? This is what this essay tries to answer. This essay aims at discussing the principle role of financial intermediaries (banks, investment companies, financial advisors or brokers, credit unions, mutual funds, and insurance companies). The best approach to achieve this goal is to search the literature to study what is written concerning financial intermediaries’ different roles and assess these roles to come up with the principle role of these institutions. However, first of all, it was necessary to study different definitions for financial intermediaries in case these definitions could give an idea about the principle role of them. For example, -according to Claus et al. financial intermediaries â€Å"‘channel funds’ from those who have savings to those who have more ‘productive’ uses for them† (2). Also, Jalan defined financial intermediaries as â€Å"institutions which ‘transfer funds’ from economic agent with surplus funds (surplus units) to economic agents (deficit units) that would like to utilize those funds. Then, Morawski provided a better definition to ‘Financial intermediaries’ term as institutions which provide â€Å"‘channeling’ or efficiently ‘transfer funds’ between lenders (surplus units) and (deficit units) borrowers that are brought together in order to achieve higher production and efficiency for the economy as a whole. † or in another word, as she mentioned institutions which â€Å"pool ‘resources’ from various small investors so that they can be able to later lend those ‘funds’† (2, 3) Then, it was clear that these definitions actually give the financial intermediaries’ principle role. However, to be sure that the principle role is what mentioned in definitions of the term, it was logical to move to other research findings that discussed basic or vital roles of financial intermediaries. Corrigan mentioned that the vital and indispensible role of financial intermediaries is in â€Å"helping societies ‘economies’ achieve a broad range of public policy goals, including, but not limited to- ‘mobilizing’ and ‘allocating savings’ in an effective and efficient manner† (10) According to Chakraborty, financial intermediaries â€Å"perform the roles of (a) resource mobilization and allocation, (b) risk diversification and (c) liquidity management to foster development of the real sector† (1) and that’s exactly what Morawski assure â€Å"The low transaction costs allow those institutions to offer liquidity services as it is simpler to sell financial instruments to raise cash and in the same time reduce the exposure to potential risks by sharing risks among various investors† (3) Diamond and Dybvig summarized these roles when they showed that financial intermediaries â€Å"can enhance risk sharing, which can be a precondition of liquidity, and can thus improve welfare† (cited in Claus et al. 2). And through these two financial services –provision of liquidity and risk sharing- they â€Å"reduce the costs of ‘moving funds’ and help in overcoming information asymmetry between borrowers and lenders, leading to more ‘efficient allocation of resources’ and faster economic growth† (Claus et al. , 2) Claus et al. mentioned two channels through which financial intermediaries â€Å"can have an effect on economic growth, capital accumulation and technological innovation†. (7-8) While â€Å"this ‘supply of funds’ provided by financial intermediaries –according to Goldsmith- through loans or through the purchase of securities is an essential if not the primary economic function of financial interm ediaries† (180) Finally, based on these definitions and research findings, the principle role of financial intermediaries is in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness in supplying funds to the market by mobilizing and allocating resources or funds -with (a) low transactions costs and (b) overcoming information asymmetry- between borrowers (surplus units) and lenders (deficit units) -through two main services, the (1) provision of liquidity and (2) risk sharing-; and as a result to this better utilization of these funds (more investments and higher production- leads to economic growth or welfare (through (1) capital accumulation, (2) improved or enhanced productivity, and (3) technological innovation).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Enhancing The Value Of Green Hotel Tourism Essay

Enhancing The Value Of Green Hotel Tourism Essay Abstract For the purpose of enhancing the value of green hotel, the hotel comes out with the new business management concept, which brings the green concept into the hotel operations and management. In order to establish a green marketing concept, it is a need to collect green information, green technology, development of green product, development of green price to carry out green marketing, take deepen green management philosophy to provide green service of the hotel and the construction of green hotel and green culture management, to achieve the sustainable development of the green hotel. Nowadays, the concept of green marketing has generally become the international community to implement in the modern enterprise marketing. Therefore, the green marketing model in hospitality industry become the need in this era, also, the pressure of the external economic environment will force the hospitality industry to do so. There is a low carbon green marketing mode had undergone a great change in th e marketing concept and content in some hotels. In this research will attempt to make some personal views on this topic in helping the hotel to have better management. Green marketing will achieve the balance between development of the hotel and the social environment; advocate the green consumption, saving energy, reducing consumption and protect the environment, providing green service will become an important marketing strategy in the hotel industry of China. Lastly, as one of the core green management, the trend of green marketing in protecting environment and developing in green consumer will achieve a big success in the future. Introduction Green concept has become the most important topic in the past few years and it gradually continue to growing up. Action is the one most important in this green concept, without the right action we will not be able to adjust the damage that has been done. Nowadays, the entire world is focused the same problems to protecting environment. In this part will give an analysis about the entire research, it begins with background of information about the concepts and overview about the base of this study. It then continues to introduce the research problem and explains the objectives and goals of the research. Background 90 years, the world entered the era of environmental protection, green age. American Hotel Lodging Association president pointed out that the most important trends of todays hotel industry is the hotels green (environmentally friendly) (Joe McInerney, 2008).Green era of great impact on the world economy, hotel industry is no exception. Todays society, people only pursue economic development and improved quality of life and people not realized that peoples living space has been severely damaged. People in the production and consumption process start increasingly concerned about resource and environmental protection. People had to choose one that meets the development needs approach to development while protecting the environment, called by sustainable development. While the tourist hotels like energy consumption and serious pollution of heavy industry to the serious ecological and biological damage to the environment but also varying degrees of implicit or explicit pollution and wast e of resources. Countrys sustainable development strategy to establish, from the policy, legal acts of the hotel business made specifications, requirements, hotels must implement green marketing; international trend of environmental protection also have a significant impact on the hotel, hotels with international environmental standards required engaged to go green. In the international environmental pressure, a few hotels began to establish awareness of green marketing. However, most hotels are still far away from the green marketing, green concept do not even have color. Hotel implementation of green marketing has long way to go. Going green is a concept for people how to make the environment become better. This green means is multifaceted, it can refer to products, trade or industry, it can be a philosophy or concept of an act, green the central meaning refers to protecting the global environment and promote human and nature, socio-economic and ecological harmony, to ensure the sustainable development of human society and the economy. The green movement can make people aware of their daily life affect this living space. Nowadays we are running out of water and other natural resources and this problem can cause the world become worse place for live. Green marketing appears for making a people have responsible daily that benefit for environment and help to reduce the waste. Going green in hospitality industry is defined by being eco-friendly industry with the environment. It contains small changes in daily life and this small change can add up to the bigger changes by our action for protecting the environment. An important concept behind efforts to reduce damage to the environment is sustainability, an idea which gained importance because of the publication of Our Common Future (Filho, 2000; Daub Ergenzinger, 2005). Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Hobson Essex, 2001) Sustainability has been further described by Brady (2005) as comprised of three dimensions: economy, society, and environmental stability. Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal-seeking behavior. Commitment about green marketing needs to be the important part in the hotel to protecting the environment, its need to be important for guide the hospitality industry and foster such a culture. It can make the hotel have an environmental culture that will ultimately affect the peoples to have a consequent in the natural environment. However, if people have responsibilities with this kind of environment and concept, and able to apply it in their daily life and work can be consciously adjust their own behavior. That definition of going green and sustainability development explains why it is so important for both individuals and businesses to make change for their lives and environment. The beginning of the 21st century; smokeless industry, a sunrise industry and green business in China has been continued to growth fast, which the hotel industry in the green on the most prominent. Hotel has been considered a high consumption places to have so many resources, need to have an attention with the environmental protection. In this, the hotel needs to change the concept; the hotel should meet the needs of customers to reduce resources. This perspective should spread through all aspects of hotel operations in the all levels and functions of employees, fundamentally, sustainable development of the hotel. Sense of social responsibility, many hotels began to take shape. With the gradual promotion of the marketing concept in China, hotels increasingly recognized as part of the community and the hotel should take social responsibility. For example, April 28, 1999, Zhejiang response to dozens of tourist hotels create green activities half of them said that we do not begrudge investment, but want to reduce waste, so that the limited resources to achieve maximum effectiveness; hotel intended to limit the guests behavior, just want to work together with customers to improve the ring, and get a good clean green feeling. Statement of the Problem China is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. Especially development of hotel industry in the China is growing so fast. At the beginning, the hospitality industry in China is not growing compared to other countries. Over time, China had to develop in the hospitality industry very well. With this development, China became one of the top ten international destinations in 2010. Therefore, the hospitality industry in the world is very wide. They are trying to develop new innovations to the hospitality industry continues to develop stable. Recent years, the environment on the planet where we live is damaged. Everyone in the world started to pay attention on the environment and how to maintain it. They began to appear with the latest innovative green marketing. Hotels in the world began to develop the green concept in this hospitality industry. But the hospitality industry in China is huge and it takes a long time to change each hotel to follow the green concept. They begin to develop from five star hotels to budget hotels. Along with those changes, a lot of problems start to appear when develop the concept of green marketing in the hospitality industry. One of the obstacles in applying the concept of green marketing is costly. In this green marketing we have to change little by little until it became a big change. But to change the concept of green is the hospitality industry requires cost very much. This change we must begin to change from the base. Hotels room is the main product of the hotel. It can start to change from the material of the rooms furniture and continue to how the employee works with the friendly environment. Its means they need to use on recycling of reusable materials for recycling. On the beginning to apply green marketing, hotels need a lot of cost and they need to consider about the quality. Green hotels focus on the ecological environment, with a focus on the pursuit of economic and environmental benefits of the new management is optimal. Not only every manager, but also every employee mind set of ideas and concepts of green management, it will be possible to allow them to take the initiative to take the behavior of a variety of green management. At first, hotel that you would like the concept of sustainable development as the guiding ideology of management, hotel management must fully understand and analyze the future direction of the hotel is good that tomorrow is a green hotel, why become a green hotel, and how to combine its own hotel management to implement the concept and application of green is the foundation of the hotel staff, implementation of policies to achieve the employee with the hotel management and staff to implement, so let employees understand the companys development direction and determination. If employees understand what the concept of a green hot el, it also impact for the company, themselves and the community that can bring what is the impact of some complicated process, not easy to reach the company. Management style is also a hotel on the challenges of sustainable development. Green product in China has not yet become the first choice of hotel. In other countries, green products have become the best-selling products, the first choice for consumers. However, some hotels even get a small gain and the pursuit of contaminated products. Research Problem To enable it easier understand and to explore for more details information point of view, the questions will be able to reply to additional verification and give clear successfully obtained results. What are the problems between green product and environment sustainability? What are the problems between green price and environment sustainability? What are the problems between green promotion and environment sustainability? What are the problems between green place and environment sustainability? Conceptual Framework More formally, the main purpose of this study is to identify that the independent variable can influence the environment sustainability development in hotel industry. According to Leedy and Ormrod (2005), independent variable is a variable that studied as a possible cause of something else. According to Hussey and Hussey (1997), dependent variable is a variable that the value are predicted by the independent variable and intervening variable The intervening variable can be defined as a factor that will affect the observed, but cannot be seen or measured. This intervening variable is referring to relationship between hotel and the environmental sustainability. These relationships is very important, hence they can influence environmental and sustainability for the hotel. The dependent variable is Environmental Sustainability Development and the independent variable of this study is green price, green product, green promotion, and green place. Thus, green marketing become intervening variable. Hypotheses: H1: Green price positively influence hotel to be environment sustainability development. H2: Green product positively influence hotel to be environment sustainability development. H3: Green promotion positively influence hotel to be environment sustainability development. H4: Green place positively influence hotel to be environment sustainability development. Research Objectives The main objectives are to study for the following thing: To identify what are the benefits of going green in green marketing concept for new environment development of hospitality industry. To mention the problem of applying green marketing concept in the hotel. To related the green marketing concepts with green marketing mix that consists of green product, green places, green price, and green promotion in the hospitality industry. To understanding what are the concept of green marketing and the terms of green marketing that related to environmental sustainability development. To discuss why nowadays green marketing very important in hospitality industry. Significance of the Study Combining with all the information and data for the hotel industry to grasp better the green marketing in green concept to the hotel itself to the significance of environmental sustainability is so important and far-reaching. The ends results of this dissertation will be not only play to understand the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable and it also help more how to make sure the hotel industry is doing well on the environmental sustainability. Through the green marketing, a results on the actually of the relationship between green marketing and environmental sustainability will be more clearly. But this will either guide you to the agreement or disagreement to the improved green marketing concept model. Literature Review This part will be discussed about the concept of Green Marketing Mix which are Green Place, Green Product, Green price, and Green promotions. This Green marketing concept linked to the dependent variable of this study which is environment sustainability development that can be affected from the green marketing concepts in the hospitality industry that is hotel. Green Marketing The green awareness began in between of the 1960s and early 1970s with increasing concern about the negative impact of consumption pattern, impact of economic and population growth on the environment (Cohen, 2001).The first definition of green marketing was according to Henion (1976); the implementation of marketing programmes directed at the environmentally conscious market segment (Banerjee, 1999, p.18). Green marketing practices generally promoted as the genuine concern for the nature of inputs as well as outputs waste reduction and the impact of these upon the environment and society as a whole both in present future conditions (Walker and Hanson, 1998). In a sample way to say, green marketing is the strategy for hotel to turn themselves become green hotel and to achieve environmental sustainability development. According to the American Marketing Association, green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. Refers on that statement, green marketing is a new marketing method driven by environmental sustainability. The sustainable development of environment is that modern consumers understand the deterioration of the environment has to their way of life and quality as a certain effect, the requirements of the process of production and sales of all enterprises minimal impact on the environment. The so-called green marketing refers to the enterprises to adapt to the trend of green consumption, from the protection of the environment against pollution and full use of resources point of view, through the development of products, the use of natural, turning waste into wealth an d other measures, to meet consumer demand for green, enterprise marketing goals. The green marketing has evolved over a period of time. According to Peattie (2001), the evolution of green marketing has three chapters. First chapter was termed as Ecological green marketing, and during this period all marketing activities were concerned to help environment problems and provide remedies for environmental problems. Second chapter was Environmental green marketing and the focus shifted on clean technology that involved designing of innovative new products, which take care of pollution and waste issues. Third chapter was Sustainable green marketing. It came into prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000. As resources are limited and human wants are unlimited, it is important for the marketers to utilize the resources efficiently without waste as well as to achieve the organizations objective. So green marketing cannot be avoided. Main Elements of Green Marketing Mix When hospitality industries start to do with eco-friendly, actually they try to access the new markets with the green marketing. Green marketing has 4 elements, the element called by green marketing mix. Marketing mix is adapted from conventional marketing, but nowadays hotel also adapts this marketing mix to hospitality industry. The concept of green marketing mix was introduced by Bradley (Bradley, 2007). Green marketing mix is about product or services that environmental friendly. These green marketing mixes are green product, green place, green price, and green promotion. Element of Green Marketing Mix (Al-Bakry, 2007): The green products: Green products are products that respond to environment needs and requirements. As the customers needs are necessary to improve and develop products, the customer needs in an environment more safe and healthy are also important and should be considered. The green pricing: The green pricing refers to the price specified in the light of companys policies with regard to environmental consideration imposed by rules and company instructions or its initiatives in this regard. The green distribution: This is related to distribution gates use that deal with green products, which are appropriate for consumers, in terms of facilitating their delivery, and to secure cycling procedures conducting within environmental conditions and requirements. The green promotion: This refers to providing real information about the products in a way that does not hurt the materialistic and moral consumers interests. Green Products The guest room is the main body of the hotel, is also the main products provided by the hotel to the guests. This requires the hotel from initial to final product design provide involved environmental behavior must accord with environmental protection requirement (Xiong, 2011) In addition, the hotel restaurant also provides and promoting the green food, the product must meet the physical quality and health standards green, product packaging, storage and transportation must according with standard of green food packaging storage. Production of green products has become a part of the hotels purpose. Many hotel rooms putting in such a card, for example If you do not need to replace the bed sheets, please put the card on the pillow, most of foreign guest who living more than one days will do the information cards about changing bed sheet. For the local guest mostly they are not really know about. Two reasons why they didnt do that are forget to place the card and as they know bed sheets should be change every day. These guests may think that I paid, no matter how many days I live, every item should be changed daily, many people asked that hotel implied green concept for save money. A hotel manager expressed, green marketing objective might be saving money, but this is not the main purpose. We just want to reduce waste, so the limited resources can play a greater role. Some replacement in the room is not necessary, such as towels and bed sheets, because if the guest use in one day only is not dirty. Green Promotion Hotel industries should focus on green cultural awareness training, to shape the cultural environment of green marketing. The promotions that related to green are the things when hotel promote about their hotel use the friendly materials and recycle materials. With the green promotion, hotel still need to stabilize the quality of product and service to attract the customers interest for continue the green promotion concept. Green promotion strengthens company image. (Chan, 2001), we included I plan to switch to products and services that were advertised as being green. Green promotions in hospitality industry also can take along about promotion to the guest, such as a voucher for laundry or food and beverages in the hotel. It means that customers no need to think about having a food outside the hotel. It can saves energy and reduce the gas pollution for the transportation. Green promotion is to pass the green guidelines for media promotion of green consumption, inspiring guide to consumer demand for green, and finally with buying behavior (Anon, 2007). Three aspects of green promotion are green advertisement and green promotion itself. Green advertising need to have green function positioning through the advertisement product to guide the consumers understand with the environmental friendly product. The green advertising should have a green atmosphere and appeals to stimulate the consumers desire to buy. Green promoting have purpose to increase public awareness of green, green corporate image building, green marketing to build a broad social base, to promote the development of green marketing industry. Green Price In general, the input of green products on the market, production costs will be higher than similar conventional products, because the cost of green products in accrued expenses on environmentally friendly products. The use of new green materials can increase the cost of resources. Hence, green goods have higher initial out-of-pocket expenses but lower long-term costs (Rubik Frankl, 2005). In other way, price increases will be temporary, with the development of science and technology and the increasing variety of environmental protection measures, the cost of production of green products will gradually decrease, and tend to be stable. At this time, the green product will be having a higher price, but it also benefits for the long term costs and productivity. In hotel industry, they will take the price higher than the normal products, but it will be make benefits for the customers in the every aspects. The price is market sensitive pricing is an important marketing strategy; the implementation of green marketing cannot fail to study the formulation of the price of green products. In general, the input of green products in the market, production costs will be higher than similar conventional products, because the cost of green products in the accrued cost of the product environmentally friendly, including the following aspects: In product development, because of increased or improve environmental protection function and pay for the development of the funds. In the manufacturing, due to the development of the environment and human non-polluting, non-injury increased the cost of the process. The use of new green materials and accessories may increase the cost of resources. Management costs may increase due to the implementation of green marketing and selling expenses. However, the price rise will be temporary, with the scientific and technological development and the improvement of various environmental protection measures, the manufacturing cost of green products will be gradually decreased, and tended to stabilize. To develop green products, prices, on the one hand, of course, should take into account the above factors, on the other hand should be noted that the income increase peoples awareness of environmental protection, consumer economic concept of an acceptable price consumer goods and consumption gradually The concept of phase coordination. Therefore, corporate marketing green products not only make the profitability of the business to better advantage in the peer competition Green Place Environmentally responsible or green marketing refers to the satisfaction of consumer needs, wants, and desires in conjunction with the preservation and conservation of the natural environment. Based on the location, green marketing can be applied. For this marketing mix, place or location is very affect the environment sustainable development. It depends how the hotels building with the environment because many hotel have not build the environmental awareness and damages the environment surrounding the area. The best place for the hotel for going green, they need to consider the environment. It is can damages the environment or disturbed their ecosystem of the place or not. Ecosystem in one area is very important for the whole place, because one of the ecosystem damages or broken it will affect or disturbing another ecosystem in surrounding area. For building the hotel needs to be in the green design with the environment friendly products and have a proper placement for their product, so it can help the environment by giving a fresh air pollutant. Hotels also need the proper location, so it will not need many transports that can cause air pollutant. Hotel that will implement a green components in their hotel must be consider when choosing a place for develop their hotel. Hotel must be in the strategy place or area to reach from another place. It can decrease a using a transportation that is the number one that caused of air pollutant. Green place is about managing logistics to cut down on transportation emissions, thereby in effect aiming at reducing the carbon footprint. The choice of where and when is to make a product available will have significant impact on the customer. Some other Elements To build a green hotel culture and to establish the ecological values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of the hotel independent positive premise of the implementation of green management. Hotel green culture is not only reflected in the various aspects of green management, but also to its inherent cultural force reacts to the various aspects of green management. To achieve a green hotel culture, we must ensure that the interests of the hotel staff to reach a balance. It will make the interests of the hotel and customer satisfaction to reach an agreement. For the hotel to continue and promote green management concepts and ecological values for staff is to encourage the environmental behavior of employees, increase green investment in management, thus forming the green culture of the hotel. Walk the road of eco-development; cultivate a green culture to rely on sustained advocacy to instill education and other activities. Thus making the hotel a green culture to penetrate into all the activities of the hotel, and has become a powerful driving force to promote the sustainable development of the hotel. Provide green services, hotels in green products while also vigorously promoting green services on the one hand actively promoting green products. Such as food service recommended green food and beverages to the guests, so when the guest ordering is affordable, reasonable nutrition, resources are not wasted. On the other hand, actively carry out a green consulting service activities, and vigorously promote conducive to conserving resources, protecting the environment, consumption pattern, a healthy and civilized lifestyle, motivate consumers to conscious energy-saving, water conservation, and to engage in waste separation and recovery that. In 1993, China began to implement environment mark plan, but the environment mark plan have not yet received most of public and government attention. At that time, some developed countries already apply the environmental marking system for the background of economic globalization. Environment mark becomes open international market green keys. As consumers, green consumption concept of recognition and the tendency of national policy, green products will be occupy a lot of investment in market segment. Environmental  labeling  is not only a means to influence the companys  consumer buying behavior should also be used  as a measure of  marketing,  but  many hotels  are often ignored by consumers of green  consumer psychology and  paying  enough attention. Hotel  marketing  tool is not the introduction of a green  way of thinking. Because many  of the  hotels  we  have not  build  environmental awareness  and thus  the  marketing tools  are still  limited. For example,  some hotels  are not  interested in the welfare  of society,  but the  pursuit of star effect that can spend billions of dollars. Some of the hotel attracts  customers  to  use a vulgar things causing spiritual pollution in market competition, not in quality. Benefits of Green Marketing (Going Green) Having an effective green marketing makes a lot of benefits for the hospitality industry. With the green marketing, it will help a lot in the protecting and maintaining the environment that nowadays the damages are increasing and become one of the important problems to help the environment. Nowadays, hotel starts to make a green concept in every part of their operation. As the hotel which is one of the big industries in the world, hotel needs to consider about green marketing and take the benefits from this. The benefits of going green in the green marketing not only effects for the environment itself, but it also affect the employee and customer. There are so many reasons why hotels want to apply this green marketing, and most of all its because the hotel industry wants to be viewed positively by the consumers. Green marketing also refers to the satisfaction of consumer wants, needs, and satisfaction with the conservation of natural environment. The most important things to applying the green marketing are protecting this living space, because the damages are too big. In this, we need to save the environment with using less for water consumption, energy consumption and reduce the air pollutant. These are all the benefits for the environment and protect for the future generation for this living space. The concept of green marketing can makes a new concept of consumers in hospitality industry, because of with the new concept of the friendly environment it will be make a differences. Consumers will feel the new thing about the new products that hotel gives. According to Patrick Hartmann and Vanessa Ibanez, if the brand considered green, then consumer willing to pay more for that product (2006). The long term costs are one consideration why hotel need to do green marketing. Green goods have higher initial out-of-pocket expenses but lower long-term costs (Rubik Frankl, 2005). For the new changes in green marketing concept need to have a lot of costs for the product, promotion, and images, but as the time goes by

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Treason Trial of Aaron Burr :: essays research papers

In the months between and including May and September, in 1807, Aaron Burr was tried by the Supreme Court in Virginia on the count of treason against the United States. During the period of 1804 to 1807, Burr allegedly committed several overt acts, which are actions, that may be innocent in themselves, but in combination with the intentions and results of that act, become criminal actions. The trial was about treason, which the Constitution defines as â€Å"levying war against [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort,â€Å" (Art. III, Sect. 3) and the prosecution must prove that Burr committed the overt act with the testimony of two witnesses, for the treason conviction to stand. In this trial, Burr’s actions outside of the state of Virginia have no bearing on the overt act of assembling troops to levy war against the United States, and therefore the majority of his admissible actions occurred on Blennerhasset’s Island in Virgi nia. (Doc 108) Although the prosecution made a strong case for Burr’s guilt, the differentiation between his intentions and his actions, his background as an American patriot and the lack of concrete evidence, one must conclude that Aaron Burr is not guilty of treason. He perhaps was even the victim of a larger governmental conspiracy to rid him of all prestige, honor and legacy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The prosecution tried to prove that Burr used his power to assemble an army of men to conquer New Orleans, then Mexico and eventually found a new nation composed of the Western American states and Mexico. The fault in their argument is that his actions do not necessarily point directly towards this conclusion. It is true that Burr wrote letters and even discussed a new war with Spain and the formation of a new nation, but this does not constitute treason for â€Å"individuals may meet together and traitorously determine to make dispositions to bring forces into the field, and levy war against their country; this is a conspiracy, but not treason.† (Doc 108) Therefore, even if Burr intended to eventually enact his plan, the simple act of planning it does not constitute treason. But even the true intentions of Burr remain unclear, for he had recently purchased 400,000 acres of land in the Western states and perhaps he assembled these men to settle it. (Doc 33) His actions of enlisting men, arming them and supplying them does not constitute treason because the overt act remains innocent without confirmation of intent to harm the United States.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hrothgar spake, helmet-of-Scyldings :: Poetry Poems Essays

Hrothgar spake, helmet-of-Scyldings: "Ask not of pleasure! Pain is renewed to Danish folk. Dead is Aeschere, of Yrmenlaf the elder brother, my sage adviser and stay in council, shoulder-comrade in stress of fight when warriors clashed and we warded our heads, hewed the helm-boars; hero famed should be every earl as Aeschere was! But here in Heorot a hand hath slain him of wandering death-sprite. I wot not whither,[1] proud of the prey, her path she took, fain of her fill. The feud she avenged that yesternight, unyieldingly, Grendel in grimmest grasp thou killedst, -- seeing how long these liegemen mine he ruined and ravaged. Reft of life, in arms he fell. Now another comes, keen and cruel, her kin to avenge, faring far in feud of blood: so that many a thane shall think, who e'er sorrows in soul for that sharer of rings, this is hardest of heart-bales. The hand lies low that once was willing each wish to please. Land-dwellers here[2] and liegemen mine, who house by those parts, I have heard relate that such a pair they have sometimes seen, march-stalkers mighty the moorland haunting, wandering spirits: one of them seemed, so far as my folk could fairly judge, of womankind; and one, accursed, in man's guise trod the misery-track of exile, though huger than human bulk. Grendel in days long gone they named him, folk of the land; his father they knew not, nor any brood that was born to him of treacherous spirits. Untrod is their home; by wolf-cliffs haunt they and windy headlands, fenways fearful, where flows the stream from mountains gliding to gloom of the rocks, underground flood. Not far is it hence in measure of miles that the mere expands, and o'er it the frost-bound forest hanging, sturdily rooted, shadows the wave. By night is a wonder weird to see, fire on the waters. So wise lived none of the sons of men, to search those depths! Nay, though the heath-rover, harried by dogs, the horn-proud hart, this holt should seek, long distance driven, his dear life first on the brink he yields ere he brave the plunge to hide his head: 'tis no happy place! Thence the welter of waters washes up wan to welkin when winds bestir evil storms, and air grows dusk, and the heavens weep. Now is help once more with thee alone! The land thou knowst not, place of fear, where thou findest out that sin-flecked being. Seek if thou dare! I will reward thee, for waging this fight, with ancient treasure, as erst I did, with winding gold, if thou winnest back." [1] He surmises presently where she is. [2] The connection is not difficult. The words of mourning, of acute grief, are said; and according to Germanic sequence of thought, inexorable here, the

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Computers In Modern Life Essay

Cause / Effect Essay Many phenomena, events, situations and trends can be better understood by describing their causes and effects. The cause and effect essay explains what happens and why it happens. Cause / Effect Essay Specific Vocabulary Obesity is a cause of / a reason for premature death. Media coverage affects / influences voting patterns. Media coverage leads to / gives rise to / brings about changes in voting patterns. Voting patterns are affected / are influenced by media coverage. Stress causes / produces / results in low exam scores. Low exam scores are caused by / are produced by / result from stress. Low exam scores are a consequence of / are a result of / are due to / the effect of stress. When / If there is constant economic instability, currency crashes occur. As a result of / As a consequence of constant economic instability, currency crashes occur. There is constant economic instability. As a result, / As a consequence, / Consequently, / Thus, / Therefore, / Hence, / For this reason, currency crashes occur. Because / Since / As some areas face extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property. Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to the fact that some areas face extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property. Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property. Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to extreme weather conditions, damage to property occurs. Cause / Effect Essay Structure While writing a cause / effect essay, the order of the main points given in the thesis statement is followed in body paragraphs. The following example is an outline for a cause essay about the reasons for cities becoming overcrowded. Thesis statement: There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. 1st body: economic reasons 1. cities are engines of development. 2nd body: socio-cultural reasons 1. education 2. urbanization The following example is an outline for an effect essay about the effects of the computer on life. Thesis statement: The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. 1st body: economic effects 1. computers in business 2. computers and national economies 2nd body: effects on communication 1. e-mail 2. globalization The sample shows essay organization Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? General Statements The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo because they could find employment and establish economic security for themselves and their families there. Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the socio-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons. The  better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented. Therefore, young people believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom. Thesis Statement Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Concluding Sentence In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and to the places which can give them the freedom they desire. Final Thought The sample shows essay connectors Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo because they could  find employment and establish economic security for themselves and their families there. Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the socio-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented. Therefore, young people believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom. In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and to the places which can give them the freedom they desire. The sample shows essay specific vocabulary Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural. First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo because they could find employment and establish economic security for themselves and their families there. Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the soc io-cultural factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented.  Therefore, young people believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom. In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and to the places which can give them the freedom they desire. The sample shows essay organization What effects has the computer had on our lives? The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First, businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a computer and IT-based one. It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has been revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written. Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. Concluding Sentenc e Topic Sentence General Statements Thesis Statement Topic Sentence In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes. Final Thought The sample shows essay connectors What effects has the computer had on our lives? The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First, businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a computer and IT-based one. It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has been  revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written. Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes. The sample shows essay specific vocabulary What effects has the computer had on our lives? The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications. The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First, businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a computer and IT-based one. It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has been  revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written. Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Introduction to Psychological Testing

Introduction to Psychological Testing Psy 475 October 22, 2012 Introduction to Psychological Testing The history of personality and intelligence testing, dates to the beginning World War II. In psychology, clinicians use psychological tests as a tool to help aid in identifying important information in regard to the behaviors of an individual or a group. There is a major difference between regular testing and testing used for psychological purposes. There are various tests that can be administered to determine specific abilities or identify the characteristics of an individual.This paper will define the term â€Å"test†, describe the major categories of tests, and identify the major uses and users of these tests. Also this paper will also discuss the comparison and contrast the concepts of reliability and validity and explain how they affect psychological testing. Test According to Hogan, a test is a standardized process used to provide information about specific behaviors or c ognitive process through standardized procedures. Psychological tests are a battery of tests that evaluate and measure functions of emotions and behaviors in human beings.The test batteries are composed of interviews, and assessments that focus on specific areas such as learning, memory, attention, and academic capabilities. Tests can be conducted in various ways such as verbal, visual, oral, and written assessments or evaluation. Information gathered from standardized tests are useful and effective because they categorize specific behaviors with scores and provide results, which are reliable and valid. Psychological testing can be performed by licensed professionals; such as clinical psychologists, counseling, and school psychologist.Major categories of tests, Uses and Users Psychological tests provide a platform for providing information and insight, which helps to gain a better understanding of human behaviors. There different types of tests are used to measure various contexts o f specific areas of behavior. According to Chadha, Psychological tests are grouped into several categories, which include personality, mental ability, attitude, achievement, and neuropsychological tests. These test can be administered to an individual alone or to a group of people.According to Hogan intelligence test focuses on various functions of the individual who measures potential and basic ability, such as memory, cognitive functions, thinking skill, and visualization. Two of the most popular intelligence test are the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler Intelligence Tests. Achievement and aptitude tests are commonly used in educational or employment settings. Educators and employers use these tests to identify how much an individual knows about a certain topic, such as academic subject or employment position.Educators use achievement tests to identify and compare abilities of students, while employers use these tests to identify talents, interests, and special skills (2008). Accor ding to Hogan, personality tests are commonly used in research and forensic settings to assist with providing a clinical diagnosis by measuring personality styles. Personality test is set up in two, formats. The first consists of yes or no questions and the second questions are true or false.According to Hogan, interests and attitudes are mainly used for high school and college students to identify interests related to job fields. The most common test used to measure and identify vocational interests is the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) or the Kuder Career Search (Hogan, 2007). The last category of testing is the neuropsychological tests. These types of test focus cognitive abilities as related to brain functions such as thinking, reasoning, memory and motor coordination.According to Hogan, uses and users of psychological tests include clinical, educational, personnel, and research settings. Clinical settings such as counseling and psychology use testing to identify the nature or severity of a specific problem or a behavior. The testing results are used to develop treatment plans used to carry out interventions for therapeutic application. According to Hogan, educators use assessment as a tool for assessing levels of student learning and abilities in efforts to help the student improve.Another major user of psychological testing are businesses. Personnel and employment testing according to Hogan, was developed to identify and select the best candidates for employment positions. Employers also use testing to conduct performance and promotion evaluations. The last use of testing involves research. According to Hogan researchers use testing as a viable part of research studies because they are replicable and provide reliable information that useful and valid.Compare and Contrast Reliability and Validity Test reliability and validity are very important concept of testing. These tools used to measure the data that has been collected for the test to determine if t he results are sustainable and effective. According to Hogan reliability is meant to be consistent and dependable. A reliable test provides the same scores continuously for an individual. Test reliability relies on specific criteria to determine the quality and accuracy of psychological measurements (Chadha, 2009).To determine reliability there are five methods that can be used to estimate test scores. These methods identify the proportion of the score, which may include error variances. Although these methods are used to determine reliability and identify errors there various factors, which can affect the results of the reliability of a test. Test validity is an important aspect of test evaluations. The validity of the tests focuses on specific criteria used to ensure that testing concept meets requirements and professional standards of scientific research methods.There are two common methods used to test validity, the first is criterion validity and content validity. According to Chadha, content validity focuses on the selection of items for ability and achievement test; judgments are used to identify the usefulness or application of the test. Criterion validity according to Chadha, focuses on the ability of test score used to observe behaviors or other information gathered from the test. Reliability and validity test the same aspects of a test but in a different manner.Reliability is more focused on the stability of a test score and validity evaluates this information based on specific criteria (Chadha, 2009). Conclusion In conclusion psychological testing is used to provide, identify, and measure characteristics, abilities and the behaviors of an individual or a group. There various types of testing be used in several contexts, which provide valuable information to the test examine. Several fields or professions rely on testing to provide information that can be used for purposes of assessments, treatment, learning, and identifying needs. Reliability and a lidity methods are used to ensure that the information received from testing is effective and properly used for the purpose intended. References Chadha, N. K. (2009). Introduction to psychological testing. In Applied psychometry. (pp. 71-87). New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd. doi: 10. 4135/9788132108221. n5 Hogan, T. P. (2007). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (2nd ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. psychological test. (2008). In The Columbia Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/entry/columency/psychological_test

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Middle Ages Literature Essay

The Middle Ages had many interesting characteristics concerning the literature of that time period. The important literary works â€Å"incorporated elements and values drawn from different and conflicting traditions (Patterson 1143). For every opinion, there was another opinion to counter it. Many of the pieces of literature at this time had contradictory ideas in them or had competing interests (Patterson 1144). The literature of this time shows us that â€Å"many people took the central doctrine of Christianity so much for granted that their daily lives seem largely untroubled by the moral and spiritual demands of religion† (Patterson 1144). Another characteristic of the literature was that it alerts us to the â€Å"complexities and dilemmas that any faith poses† (Patterson 1144). The Middle Ages is also called the â€Å"age of chivalry† (Patterson 1144). The literature mainly â€Å"expresses the values of the most powerful members of society, the aristocracy† (Patterson 1144). The aristocracy achieved their power through â€Å"military might† (Patterson 1144). There was also an â€Å"explicit code of chivalry† (Patterson 1145). The values were â€Å"never entirely consistent with each other† (Patterson 1145). Characters of literature had to choose whether to be a lover or a warrior (Patterson 1145). The main concerns of the literature were â€Å"the demands of religious faith and appropriate use of physical force, and the individual human being working out his or her individual destiny† (Patterson 1145). The literature during this time contributed to a list of vivid characters to the world of literature (Patterson 1145). Writers created unforgettable, complex literary characters to deal with the themes (Patterson 1145). The Middle Ages contrasted to the Renaissance because the Renaissance’s characters had â€Å"greater autonomy and fully realized personalities† (James 1883). The Renaissance’s literature did not judge â€Å"human action by right and wrong but by beauty, memorability, and effectiveness† (James 1886). During the Renaissance, the presence of God was much less dominating (James 1887). Medieval men and women were more concerned with the afterlife, while in the Renaissance they had a preoccupation with this life (James 1886). The Canterbury Tales fits into the Middle Ages well with some characteristics and not quite as well concerning others. For example, the Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales preaches the word of God on a daily basis, yet he is morally corrupt in his everyday life (Chaucer 1759). He preaches of greed, yet is greedy himself (Chaucer 1759). The Pardoner steals from the church, as well as innocent people (Chaucer 1758). Chaucer showed us that people took the doctrine of the church for granted. Other characters in The Canterbury Tales spoke of God and were Christians, yet didn’t bother with feeling morally obligated to act right. The dilemmas of being a Christian in real-life are seen. Some of the characters are Christian but it is more complex and takes an effort to be a Christian. The Canterbury Tales didn’t seem to have contradictory themes necessarily. Chaucer makes his views of various social ranks known through a use of satire. The characters themselves are contradictory, as we see with the Pardoner once again (Chaucer 1758). Since Chaucer has every type of social rank represented, we see his view of these ranks, which does contradict some of the jobs or moral obligations of various people. The characters in the story itself did compete for various interests. They all held different values or beliefs about the world. Chaucer lived during this time period, so it is in a way a more realistic view rather than contradictory. The explicit code of chivalry isn’t necessarily a large component of The Canterbury Tales except for perhaps the Knight and his tale. Chaucer shows that some people were focused on the chivalry act during this time. The Canterbury Tales doesn’t focus on pleasing the aristocracy either. Chaucer wrote from the perspective of every social rank so his book was meant for the poor and rich. Its subject matter was meant to be appealing to all Medieval people. The final characteristic that The Canterbury Tales does follow is the well developed characters. Chaucer had a whole list of realistic, complex characters. These characters could rival the Renaissance’s characters to me. I enjoyed reading about the characters and reading even more of The Canterbury Tales online. The Canterbury Tales fits well with the characteristics of the Middle Ages for the most part. The individual characters do have an individual goal in mind. Chaucer seemed as if he cared about his characters and wanted readers to his get to know them on an individual level, which seems more ahead of his time.