Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Is Racism the Result of Ignorance Essays
Is Racism the Result of Ignorance Essays Is Racism the Result of Ignorance Paper Is Racism the Result of Ignorance Paper The Oxford English Dictionary describes racism as the belief that all members of a racial group possess the characteristics, therefore rendering it possible to determine whether it is either inferior or superior to other races. Racism has been around since the dawn of mankind, and caused many genocides (most notably the Holocaust, however less well known was the Armenian Massacre during and after the First World War), apartheids (in South Africa and also in the USA) as well as making some people to ask the question What causes Racism and unhappiness between people of different ethnic backgrounds? Many believe the cause is in fact Ignorance and little understanding of other cultures, however, many believe it is much more complex, and there are more than one reasons. This essay shall attempt to ultimately answer the question Is Racism the Result of Ignorance? To understand what causes racism, one must know what the different types of racism are, as well as their effects. Unfortunately for the reader, there are many effects and types of racism that simply cannot be summarised completely, however we shall study the main types of racism, and what effect they have on certain if not all ethnic groups. One of the main types is Institutional or State Racism. This means that the government, the state, or perhaps even educational institutions cause racial discrimination on a large scale, with the ability to influence individuals, and cause them to act in a certain way, whether it be protesting against it, or also discriminating against others because they believe in the cause. For example, if a school only accepted white children, Asians and Latin Americans, but not Black students, this could be seen as a form of institutional racism. The effects are quite obvious in this case, the disallowed families would perhaps form a demonstration against the institution, with or in some cases without result. Another example which is much more famous is Britains monitoring of people from an Islamic background. The protests in this case would be much larger, as it would seem that the State generally believes that most Muslims are terrorists, or at least a large amount. This can be linked to the theme of Islamophobia (the belief that many, or all Muslims are in some kind of terrorist organisation. This word was coined after the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001. Although Muslim Extremists probably performed the attacks, the reaction was foolish. Many scholars see this as a result of ignorance, however we shall refer back to this in the conclusion). Another type of racism is racial or ethnic discrimination. This could also be on a large scale and often is, however this type tends not to be organised by a group. Rather, it is just showing prejudice against other ethnic groups, and treating them differently (not necessarily badly). The effects are a little more complex. Some may indeed also protest, however many others would simply do nothing. While in Institutional Racism, the aim of a protest is to mainly effect the view of a government and also influence individuals, anti-racial discrimination demonstrations are mainly aimed at changing the general view of the public, not as much the government. Another form of racism is Historical Economic Racism or Social Disparity. This means that some individuals are prejudiced towards other races as a consequence of historical events. For example some English believe Germans to still be Nazis, even after 65 years since the end of the Second World War. This is also linked to the idea that ignorance causes racism, and also Nationalism. This means that one group of people (in this case the English) believe they are superior to all other races. For example 69 years ago Hitler corrupted the minds of many, leading them to believe they were the Aryan race (the ultimate race). Many British dont know that the Nazis admired British because they saw them as strong, however this would do little to hinder their view on Germans. This is a brilliant example of ignorance causing racism. Many see racism as a result of ignorance, however personally, I believe it is much more complex, with more reasons. Racism has been present throughout our species history. The idea that anything different may indeed be a threat, is in our genetic code, and is present in all animals. For example, a dog protects its property from foxes, and is willing to attack them if they enter. However in modern society, this idea is known as Xenophobia. A prime example of this in popular use throughout the world (mainly the Western World) is Islamophobia. Many do act in a racist manner as a result of ignorance, however this arises a new question: What about the racists that were well educated? Another cause of racism is intolerance. Another is close-mindedness. As one can see, there are so many reasons, and so many different views that one certain definition of the cause is impossible to coin. It is truly up to the individual to make his or her own judgement.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Say of Course in Spanish
How to Say of Course in Spanish If you want to indicate that something is obvious, just as you would do in English with the phrase of course, here are some words and phrases that you can use, some of them are adverbs of affirmation. Of course, when translating such sentences to English, you arent limited to the phrase of course or those used here; depending on the tone of the conversation, you can also use words such as obviously and certainly. Claro A literal translation of claro is clearly, although of course often works, depending on the context: Claro que irà © a Costa Rica a ver a Cristiano. (Of course, Ill go to Costa Rica to see Cristiano.)Sà , sà , claro, estoy muy contenta. (Yes, yes, of course, Im very happy.) ¡Claro que sà ! (Of course!) ¡Claro que no! (Of course not!) ¡Claro que fue gol! (Of course, it was a goal!)La diferencia, claro, es que la droga es ilegal. (The difference, of course, is that the drug is illegal.)Claro que el paà s est dividido entre los que trabajamos y los que no trabajamos. (Clearly, the country is divided between those of us who work and those of us who dont work.) Desde Luego As is the case with other idioms, the phrase desde luego doesnt make much sense if you try translating it word for word (since later). But in some areas it is a popular way to say of course:  ¡Desde luego! (Of course!) ¡Desde luego que no! (Of course not!)Desde luego que habrà a un nuevo plan. (Of course thered be a brand-new plan.)Desde luego que vamos hacerlo lo ms rpido posible. (Of course, were going to do it as quickly as possible.)Jimmy Page es un gran guitarrista, desde luego. (Jimmy Page is a great guitarist, of course.) Por Supuesto Por supuesto is also very common:  ¡Por supuesto! (Of course!) ¡Por supuesto que no! (Of course not!)Por supuesto creo que el estado debe ayudarnos. (Of course I believe the state should help us.)Estoy muy satisfecha, por supuesto. (Im quite satisfied, of course.)Por supuesto, vamos a analizar todo lo que pasà ³. (Obviously, were going to analyze everything that has happened.) Be aware that sometimes por supuesto can be part of a longer phrase to indicate that something is supposed rather than proven, as supuesto is the past participle of suponer, which often means to suppose: Detuvieron al hijo del actor por supuesto abuso. (They arrested the actors son for alleged abuse.) Es un Hecho Que Es un hecho que can be used to indicate that something can simply be assumed: Es un hecho que los senadores tambià ©n aprobarn el programa. (It can be taken for granted that the senators will also approve the program.)Creo que es un hecho que el cambio del clima se debe al hombre. (I believe its a given that climate change is mans doing.) Other Adverbs Other possibilities include the adverbs obviamente (obviously), seguramente (surely) and ciertamente (certainly), although of course the choice of translation depends on the context: Obviamente la pregunta est formulada de esa manera para confundir a la gente. (Obviously the question is worded that way to confuse people.)Compramos muchas cosas y obviamente compramos trajes de baà ±o. (We bought a lot of things, and obviously we bought swimsuits.)Seguramente prefieren lo mismo que nosotros. (Surely they prefer the same thing as we do.)Ciertamente no quiero ser parte de ello. (Certainly, I dont want to be part of that.)Nuestro profesor, ciertamente, es à ºnico. (Our teacher definitely is unique.)Las casas estn deterioradas y seguramente requerirn de una inversià ³n grande. (The houses are deteriorated and surely will require a large investment.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Public relation campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Public relation campaign - Essay Example However, its business is also contributed towards the non-pharmaceutical sources, specifically the crop protection industry accounting for 60% of non pharmaceutical business. Huntingdon Life Sciences uses animals in the biomedical research conducted by it for its customers. In UK around 60,000 animals are annually used. This number is further broken down by species like fish, bird, mouse, rat and other mammals. In the field of non clinical CRO, HLS is the third largest in the world but it is better known to general public as the target of animal rights campaign of high profile. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC), the animal rights group, has mainly orchestrated the campaign. Issues involved with Huntingdon Life Sciences Huntingdon Life Sciences has been criticised by the group of animal welfare and animal rights for using animals in research for abusing animals and for testing wide range of substances, particularly non-medical products on animals. It has been claimed by SHAC that around 500 animals died everyday at HLS. A film was recorded secretly inside HLS in UK which was subsequently broadcasted on television channel as â€Å"It’s a Dog’s Life†showing serious breaches of animal protection laws. It has also shown the taunting of animals and a puppy held up by scruff of neck and was repeatedly punched in face. The laboratory technicians responsible for this activity were suspended from HLS after this broadcast. The campaign of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty is based in US and UK which aimed to close the company Huntingdon Life Sciences. The methods of campaign are the direct action which are non-violent and demonstrations and lobbying. It not only targets HLS but any institution, company or person doing business allegedly with laboratory, whether as suppliers, clients, cleaning and disposal services and employees of those companies. So, HLS was forced to set up its own security, laundry service, catering and delivery as the outside su ppliers doing business with it declined. The campaign against HLS led to crash of its share price. The Royal Bank of Scotland closes its bank account and the British government arranged for the state owned Bank of England to give them an account. The share price of company fell down and was dropped from New York Stock Exchange as its market capitalisation fall below NYSE limits. The British Government then took decision to tackle the problem of extremism of animal rights. There was an enactment of a police campaign called Operation Achilles against SHAC, involving police officers in Amsterdam, England and Belgium. 32 people linked to the group were arrested and seven leading members of SHAC were found guilty of blackmail. As a consequence of the operation, most violent activists were jailed. Public relation campaign Following the major issues involved with Huntingdon Life Sciences, a suitable public relation campaign can be proposed to improve the public perception of company and to counteract the negative effects of animal rights lobby. Public relations refer to the forms of planned communication, both inward and outward, which occurs between an organisation and public in order to achieve specific objectives with effect
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Law-Legal Advise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Business Law-Legal Advise - Essay Example KED Resale offers ceramic capacitors, frequency control devices, SAW devices, RF modules, and other products manufactured by Kyocera Electronics Corporation. The Connectors segment provides ELCO automotive and telecommunication and memory connectors. AVX is a subsidiary of Kyocera Electronics Corporation where the latter owns 71% of the Company. The Companys top competitors include KEMET Corporation, Murata Manufacturing and Vishay Intertechnology Inc. In 2008, AVX acquired ATC for $230 million in cash. The acquisition is a major move for AVX to enhance the Companys advanced products segment. In addition, it will allow AVQ to venture into other markets including the development of High Reliability Products and High Frequency Products. Aside from this transaction, AVX has been eyeing other companies with potential of expanding the current offerings (Wyatt Investment Research, 2008). Moreover, the Company has been active in developing new products for various customers. AVX have introduced several high technology products. The Company has also been involved in developing solutions for energy exploration through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy. In particular, AVX developed a hybrid automobile engine to further enhance the governments oil exploration output (2008 Annual Report). One of the major initiatives of AVX in 2009 is the development of products that promote alternative or green energy. The Company expects that investing in the burgeoning market will provide an average of 20% growth annually. The targets of AVX are automobile manufacturers that have started developing hybrid cars and other vehicles. AVX have been innovating circuits, capacitors and connectors for such purpose (2009 Annual Report). In 2009, AVX announced that all offices will be moved from Myrtle Beach to Greenville which is both in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Hull House and Other Achievements Essay Example for Free
The Hull House and Other Achievements Essay The Hull house was constructed in 1856 for Charles Hull. It originally had a factory, furniture store, and home for the elderly. Despite rumors that part of the house is haunted, Jane, together with her friend Ellen Starr, rented it â€Å"to provide a center for higher civic and social life, to institute and maintain education and philanthropic enterprises, and to investigate and improve the conditions in the individual districts of Chicago. †(Lundblad, 1995) In an aim to make the house a â€Å"place where idealism ran high†(Addams, 1910, p. 101) Addams devoted the place to educating lowly peopleâ€â€those who worked in factories, who essentially came from different cultural backgrounds. In the house, the teachers read Hawthorne, George Eliot, and other literary works. Additionally, they taught the neighborhood music and theater, so as to provide the workers an escape from the daily hardships encountered. Later on, the house included an employment bureau, and was designed to be a center not just for the poor but also for the rich to gather together. At first, Addams was mainly in charge of everything, but later on, she delegated the work to others in order to raise more funds. Because of her strong influence among the higher class, she gained the support of the three wealthy women in Chicago, who did not only believe in what she promoted, but also took interest in her projects. Thus, by 1910, about seventy people lived in the house and it was said that at a time, more than two thousand people came everyday. Even though Addams’ motives were primarily for the benefit of the people, there were those who criticized her for her strong belief in peace. She was considered a deviant during the World War I and was expelled from an organization called the Daughters of American Revolution because of her protest against war and America’s participation to it. In addition, she supported the American Union Against Militarism, and attended the Women’s Peace Party where she was elected as its national chairman. She also took part in International Woman’s Conference in Hague where she was chosen to head the commission that sought to put an end to war. In this undertaking, she met with ten leaders of other countries, and their effort was recognized as â€Å"the first international effort by women against war. †(Johnson, ed. , 1960, XI) In 1919, Addams was chosen as the American delegate for the second Women’s Peace Conference, from which the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom began. She was elected as the first president of this league, and served as its president until her death. Among other services she rendered was supplying food and other needs to the women and children of the opposing sideâ€â€a work she wrote about in Peace and Bread in Time of War (1922). Moreover, she also worked for the welfare of the poor, fought for factory inspection, working hours for women workers, schooling for children, and establishment of labor unions. Furthermore, she also helped establish the juvenile court in 1899, thus by 1920, there were only three states which did not have juvenile courts.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Bill Of Rights :: essays research papers
The Bill of Rights                                                   Bill of Rights      The first ten amendments to the US constitution are called the Bill of Rights because they provide basic legal protection for individual rights. The terms also applied to the English Bill of Rights of 1689 and the Canadian Bill of Rights 1960, and to similar guarantees in the constitutions of the American states.      From the perspective of two centuries, it can be said that Madison chose well among they pyramid of proposal sin the state. he included all the great rights appropriate for constitutional protection. The US Bill of Rights contains the classic inventory of individual rights, and it has served as the standard for all subsequenent attempts to sage guard human rights.      The first American use of the term was in 1774 when the first Continental Congress adopted the declaration and resolves, which was popularly termed the Bill of Rights because it was an American equivalent of the English Bill of Rights. Two years later came the Virginia declaration of rights, which contained the first guarantees for individual right single gully enforceable constitution. The distinctive feature of the provision in American Bill of Rights is that they are enforced by the courts.      From the time they first settled in Virgin and Massachusetts, the American colonist relied upon the rights enjoyed by Englishmen. The struggle for independence, however, demonstrated to them that rights not specified and codified in constitutional documents were insecure. The result was a movement as soon as independence was declared, to adopt bindings constitutions that limited governmental power and protected individual rights. Seven of the thirteen states adopted constitutions that included specific bills of rights. The Bill Of Rights :: essays research papers The Bill of Rights                                                   Bill of Rights      The first ten amendments to the US constitution are called the Bill of Rights because they provide basic legal protection for individual rights. The terms also applied to the English Bill of Rights of 1689 and the Canadian Bill of Rights 1960, and to similar guarantees in the constitutions of the American states.      From the perspective of two centuries, it can be said that Madison chose well among they pyramid of proposal sin the state. he included all the great rights appropriate for constitutional protection. The US Bill of Rights contains the classic inventory of individual rights, and it has served as the standard for all subsequenent attempts to sage guard human rights.      The first American use of the term was in 1774 when the first Continental Congress adopted the declaration and resolves, which was popularly termed the Bill of Rights because it was an American equivalent of the English Bill of Rights. Two years later came the Virginia declaration of rights, which contained the first guarantees for individual right single gully enforceable constitution. The distinctive feature of the provision in American Bill of Rights is that they are enforced by the courts.      From the time they first settled in Virgin and Massachusetts, the American colonist relied upon the rights enjoyed by Englishmen. The struggle for independence, however, demonstrated to them that rights not specified and codified in constitutional documents were insecure. The result was a movement as soon as independence was declared, to adopt bindings constitutions that limited governmental power and protected individual rights. Seven of the thirteen states adopted constitutions that included specific bills of rights.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Understanding the Principles of Assessment
1. Understand the principles and requirements of assessment 1. Explain the functions of assessment in learning and development. Assessment is carried out to evaluate that learning has taken place. It measures the learner’s attainment of knowledge and skills in their particular learning area. Assessment encourages learners to ask questions on anything they have not fully understood, as learners know that they will have to prove their knowledge and understanding during assessment to the standards of the awarding body. The anticipated outcome of assessment is that the learner will complete assessment to City and Guild standards within the time frame stated, with no assistance and show through answering questions that they have full understanding of the subject. 2. Define the key concepts and principles of assessment. Assessment has to remain fair, consistent and valid to ensure all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving a fair assessment. An assessor cannot be swayed to give a learner an easier assessment because they favour the learner. The assessment process may have to be adapted to be suitable to the learner’s needs but, needs to eventually lead to the same outcome. 3. Explain the responsibilities of the assessor. The role of the assessor is to assess the learner’s knowledge and performance in a range of tasks. This includes, ? Ensuring that the learner has demonstrated competence and knowledge in the assessment to the standard of City and Guilds criteria. ? Assessments need to be planned between the assessor and each learner; the learner needs to be fully aware of his/her responsibilities in the collection and presentation of evidence. The assessor then needs to observe the learners performance in their workplace or similar environment and can ask questions to confirm a learners understanding. ? Accurate and constructive feedback needs to be given to the learner whether they have passed the assessment or not. If the assessment has not been achieved the learner needs to be aware of why they did not achieve and how they can rectify this for the next time they are assessed. ? Records of the learner’s achievement must be kept up to date and be available for the learner to see. 4. Identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in own area of practice. As a tutor , I am required to discuss and set targets for the completion of tasks, units, skills development and observations to the City and Guild standards. This is to ensure the learner achieves their programme. I am responsible for the learners to complete the programme units with the time-scale stated by the awarding body, the time-scaled will initially be dictated by the Learning and Skills council but, learners will be assessed on an individual basis and time-scales adjusted to suit individuals. As an assessor I have to set challenging targets, record their progress against their targets in the learners individual learning plan (ILP), monitor their progress with every 4 or 8 week reviews in which progress is discussed and targets are agreed and set for learner to work towards. Once assessment begins I have to give learners clear and constructive feedback on their achievement and progress, learner progress is monitored through 1 to 1 .. Each learner has a portfolio logbook that records the learner’s competence against the standards for the qualification they are working towards. I have to ensure that the logbook is completed and kept up to date to show what progress has been made, and what areas of competence have yet to be achieved, this allows me, learner and visitor from the awarding body to easily track the learner’s progress. Once the learner has achieved their qualification, it is my responsibility to advise them of any further programmes they could do to develop their skills further. 2. Understand different types of assessment methods 1. Compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. | | | |Assessment Methods |Strengths |Limitations | |Observation of performance in the work |Authentic |Demanding on assessors time | |environment |Low disruption to candidates workplace |Travel | | |Assesses real life skills. Need co-operation from candidate’s | | |Could help in integrating assessment across|workplace. | | |outcomes and units. |Reliability may be hard to achieve. | |Examining products of work |Authentic |Time-consuming with large groups. | | |Showcases learner’s skills. | | |Clear feedback back can be given on the | | | |work | | |Questioning the learner |Can occur naturally out of an observation |Is difficult to manage with larger numbers | | |Non-threatening to the learner |of learners | |Can be offered to learners with additional |Due to the range of responses from | | |support needs |learners, reliability may be difficult to | | |May fill in gaps in the learners portfolio |achieve. | |of evidence | | |Discussing with the learner |Learner may feel less threatened. |Time-consuming with large numbers of | | |More one to one |learners. | | |Could help less confident learner. | |Use of others (witness testimony) |Others may see areas which are normally |Authenticity of testimony could be | | |difficult for assessors to observe |questionable | |Looking at learner statements |Builds confidence in the learner’s |Learners with additio nal learning needs may| | |capabilities. |find it difficult. | |Understand the standards they are working |Does not show the learners practical | | |to. |ability. | |Recognising prior learning |Gauge the learner’s knowledge of learning. |Prior learning could be to a higher/lower | | |Recognise if any additional learning needs |standard | | |maybe required. | | . Understand how to plan assessment 3. 1Summarise key factors to consider when planning assessment. Key factors that have to be taken into consideration when planning assessment are; †¢ Is learner ready? †¢ Suitable time †¢ Suitable model †¢ Convenient for workplace †¢ Suitable environment Is Learner Ready? To determine if the learner is ready for assessment, Assessment has to be planned between the assessor and each learner, together they must come up with a plan that will suit the learner’s employers and the unit the learner is to be assessed on. As an assessor you have to be flexible to accommodate the learner. Suitable model The learner has to ensure the correct model is selected for assessment the learner is planning to do. For the colour unit (GH9), all models must have been skin tested 24-48 hours before the application of colour; this is a requirement to ensure insurance is valid. The correct model must be chosen so the learner can be assessed on what they plan, for example; a short haired client would not be suitable for a long graduation assessment. Convenient for workplace. A good relationship has to be established between the assessor and the learners employers. The learners workplace needs to be aware of the learners progress throughout the course and when planning the assessment the assessor hs to contact the workplace to ensure it is a suitbale time for the learner to be assessed. Suitable place Observing the learner in their workplace is the most suitable place to assess the learner. Whilst in the workplace a holistic assessment is more likely to happen, as different units may also be assessed when the assessor only planned on one. . 2 Evaluate the benefits of using a holistic approach to assessment. An holistic assessment will make the learner feel comfortable and competent in their assessment as it gives the assessor the oppourtunity to see the learner in their workplace covering another unit or aspect of the learners course as it naturally happens. This could occur without the learner realising. An holistic approach will help the assessor to use their time more efficiently, as hopefully more assessment than planned will occur. . 3 Explain how to plan a holistic approach to assessment. The assessor has to take some responsibility for collecting and structuring evidence when planning an holistic approach to assessment, further evidence is collected through observation of the learner and questioning the learner. The learner can also collect evidence but, must be supported by the assessor. 3. 4Summarise the types of risks that maybe involved in assessment in own area of responsibility. The types of risks that maybe involved in assessment of my own area are high, it is important for the assessor and learner to ensure the assessment is carried out in a safe environment. Learners must adhere to their own salon procedures and insurance policies. When assessing a learner at their workplace the assessor would have to ensure it was safe to do so, before the planning of assessment the assessor would have to make sure the workplace had carried out a risk assessment, have health and safety certificates, liability insurance, a first aid box, fire extingushers and fire procedures. . 5Explain how to minimise risks through the planning process. Risks will be minimised through the planning process by making sure the learner is complying with the worksplaces in-house policies (each salons policies will differ) and local by laws. The assessor must follow their policy and procedures when planning the assessment. The learner can be questioned on any of the policy and procedures and t he learner has to be able to explain them. 4. Undertand how to involve learners and others in assessment. 4. Explain the importance of involving the learning and others in the assessment process. It is important to involve the learner and others in the assessment process so that the learners and employers know the progress of the learner and what the learner still has to achieve. If the employers know the learners know the learners progress they are more likely to encourage and motivate the learner, the employer may make time to train with the learner or let the learner observe other stylists work which will expand the learners skills and understanding. Knowing the learners progress, employers may be able to observe a specific piece of evidence that has not occurred when the assessor has been present, when the assessor does visit the workplace the employers could provide the assessor with a witness testimony of the evidence they observed. 4. 2 Summarise types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process. Documentation Log books are given to each learner once registered on the course and are available to the learner and others and provide useful means of assessing the progress of the learners achievement and performance. The log book documents the learners ability to carry out a range of tasks. This document works well for the assessor to minitor progress and any areas the learner may require more guidance. Log books are alos checked by the internal verifier once a unit is completed, to ensure everything is completed to the standards, also the log book may be sampled by an external verifier. Policies Policies are necessary to ensure learners and others know what is expected and what they have to achieve to gain the qualification. All learners will work against the same policies so each learner has to meet the same requirements to complete the qualification. Procedure Procedures are in place for learners and others to follow, each assessment follows the same procedure and cannot be amended. Assessors work is sampled by IV’s to ensure each learner is being treat equally and fairly and that the assessment is following the standards procedure. Skills analysis Learners and others need to be aware of the learners skills, so guidance and further teaching can be given to the learner to pass assessment. If the learners has not passed assessment this is documented with constructive critism and help on areas the learner has missed. By keeping a record the learner can check and practice the skills. . 3Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning. to promote learner involvement a tracking grid is used for each individual learner. The tracking grid is for the learner to keep a record of their own progress on what they have practiced in salo n, this encourages the learner’s development of skills as they can track what they need to practice and when they will be ready for assessment. Learners also reflect on what they have done, learnt and what they can learn from after each session by completing an end of day form. The learners have to state what they have learnt, what they enjoyed the most and least and anything they have achieved in the session, there is also spave for the assessor/tutor to make comment on what they learner has done, these forms are filed and can be used for learners to reflect on. Learners are to approach the assessor once they feel ready to be assessed, the assessor has to advise the learner to look through the criteria of the unit the learner wants to be assessed on and the learner is to decide if they feel they can meet the criteria. If the assessment id not achieved feedback is a must, by asking the learner ‘how they felt it went’ will encourage the learner to analyse their work and reflect on what they could do better next time to achieve the assessment. 4. 4 Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners. An assessor is the hairdressing sector would have to be flexible to fit in with the salons opening times. Many salons are closed Mondays but, open Saturdays. In order to assess a learner it may require the assessor to work when they normally have a day off, work later or start earlier. If a learner was particularly shy the assessor may have to go at quieter times in the salon to carry out an assessment, if it is a busy salon the assessor has to ensure they do not get in the way whilst doing assessment. 5. Understand how to make assessment decisions. 5. 1Explain how to judge whether evidence is:- Sufficient A performace criteria is stated in each learners log book for each unit within the NVQ qualification. The learner must achieve the stated outcomes to have sufficient evidence to meet the requirements. Authentic The learner is watched by the assessor from start to finish of the assessment to ensure outcomes are met and assessment is completed with the time scale stated by the standards. Current All assessments are recorded in the learners logbook, which is completed by the assessor dating and signing to confirm assessment has been achieved, the learner also signs the log book. Dating the log book ensures assessments are current. 5. Explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are:- Made against specified criteria The outcomes in the logbook for each unit ensure that the assessment decision is made against the specified criteria and that the learner is working to City and Guild standards. Valid To ensure the assessment is valid, the assessor has to ensure that the learner is being assessed against the correct standards. For example; if a learner was being assessed on styling hair (G H10), the assessor would not use change hair colour (GH9) standards to assess the learner against. Reliable By following the standards set by City and Guild for each assessment, it ensures that the same result will be achieved. Fair By following the standards all assessments are fair. An assessors personal feelings about the learners cannot cloud cloud the assessors judgement. 6. Understand quality assurance of the assessment process. 6. 1Evaluate the importance of quality assurance in the assessment process. A trainee assessor is observed by an internal verifier, at Woodspeen Christopher Pauls, assessors are given 5 days notice before the observation. The observations take place to ensure assessors are working to the same standards and that assessments are being completed correctly. The IV will also have interviews will the learners to see how they are learning and interacting with their assessor, this gives the learners to air any grievances they may have which they may have not wanted to discuss with their assessor. An IV will go through the learners logbook after the learner has been on the course for 6 months, this is to ensure that the assessors accupational competence is up to date. The IVwill give feedback to the assessor verbally and written. The IV can sample the log book at anytime and will go through the whole log book again once the learner has completed. At Woodspeen Christopher Paul all assessors attend a standardisation meeting in which the assessors are split into small groups and given the same unit to work through and assess. The assessors then discuss their findings and work together so all assessors come to the same outcome, so all assessors is working to the same standards. 6. Summarise quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practice. To ensure trainee assessors are correctly assessing they will be observed by the IV every 3 months, trainee assessor also have 100% sampling/counter signing which takes place initially and all assessment decisions will be countersigned by qualified assessors. Any problems that are identified during sampling the IV will follow up with discussion/training with the assessor involed. All evidence sampled in the log book is initialled in red by the IV, all feedback will be kept and dated for EV’s. All these actions are taken to ensure every assessor is working to the standards set by the awarding body, ensuring there is standardisation within the assessors. 6. 3Summarise the procedures to follow when there are disputes concerning assessment in area of practice. Every learner has the right to a fair assessment process, if the learner feels that they have been treated unfairly they have the right to appeal the decision. There is a NVQ appeal procedure in line with the awarding body requirements and NVQ code of practice which must be followed. The learner must first approach the centre lead internal verifier, if not resolved then to the centre manager, if the learner is still not happy with the outcome it will then be referred to the awarding body who will pursue the matter with the external or lead verifier. Assessment decision unfair Report to the internal verifier within 10 days Internal verifier to investigate within 10 days If problem not resolved it will be passed to centre co-ordinator who will give a decision within 10 days or within a time scale that has allowed for full investigation of the complaint If still not resolved it will be passed to the awarding body within 10 days The final decision will rest with the awarding body. 7. Understand how to manage information relating to assessment. 7. 1Explain the importance of following procedures for the management of information relating to assessment. It is important to follow procedures when managing information relating to assessment to ensure all assessors are working to the NVQ standards. All information collected during assessment must be kept up to date and and follow the policies and procedures of the awarding body. This information should be available to learners and others to see at any point. Following procedures in the assessment process enables internal and external verifiers track the work of the learners and sample work of the assessor to ensure everything is being done to the company and awarding body standards. 7. 2Explain how feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process. The assessment process is to plan, assess, give feedback and develop. Firstly, the assessor and the learner must come up with a plan for assessment, the assessor will write up the planned assessment plan before assessment begins, the learner is then assessed through observation and the assessor asking relevant questions, once assessment is completed feedback needs to be given to the learner from the assessor, if the learner has achieved the assessment feedback still needs to be given on what the learner did really well on anything they could still improve on and then a plan is made between the assessor and learner on what the assessor would like to see next assessment and how the learner can achieve and develop their skills for this. If the learner has not achieved the assessment constructive cristism is given to the learner, the feedback will be what they didn’t achieve on, what they did well and what they need to do to imporove, the learner will also be given a plan on what they need they need to complete to enable the learner to achieve asses sment next time. The learners are given a 2 week period before they are assessed again to develop their skills. 8. Understand the legal and good practice requirements in relation to assessment. 8. 1Explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Relations of the mind to the body
A definite relationship exists between the mind and the body. Some theorists express this relationship as the mind-body connection, and many continue to debate about whether the mind controls the body or whether the body controls the mind. â€Å"The body-mind problem concerns the relationship between minds, or mental processes, and bodily states or processes. Philosophers aim to explain how a supposedly non-material mind can influence a material body and vice-versa,†(Philosophy of the Mind, n.d.). Although it may be difficult to explain, there is evidence that people experience this mind-body connection on a regular basis. Throughout history people have used their minds to control their bodies. For example, â€Å"using ancient meditation techniques, Tibetan monks have demonstrated to scientists their ability to raise their own body temperature and hold it high enough that they are able to dry out wet cold sheets wrapped around their body, even in a chilly room,†(Bridger, 2006). Our bodies respond to our minds, the way we think, and to our emotions. What happens in our minds greatly affects our bodies, as there is a definite relation between the two.  However, many people don’t realize the extent of this connection. For example, â€Å"poor emotional health can weaken your body’s immune system, making you more likely to get colds and other infections during emotionally difficult times,†(American Academy of Family Physicians, 2006). If you want to change your body, you have to change your thoughts. â€Å"We do not realize that little ordinary negative thoughts we have throughout the day have the power to create substantial changes within our bodies. Negative thoughts wreak havoc on your body and will age you at a greatly accelerated rate,†(The Mind Body Connection, n.d.). I believe in the body-mind relation because I have experienced the connection. When I have allowed myself to think bad thoughts, I have noticed that my body feels weak like those thoughts have somehow sucked the energy out of my body. I have also allowed myself to think negative thoughts to the point of getting a headache, or feeling sick to the stomach. I don’t think we can separate our minds from our bodies. When I think happy thoughts I feel more energetic. Science and medicine will never be able to prove every aspect of the mind-body connections, and that is not really important because I doubt that every reality of life can be proven. But I know there is a strong relation between the mind and body and it is beneficial for us to learn more about this connection.  Knowing that our thoughts affect our bodies is a motivating factor in helping me pay more attention to what I think, and to focus on thinking positive thoughts. References American Academy of Family Physicians (2006). Mind/Body Connection: How Your Emotions Affect Your Health. Retrieve April 1, 2007 from http://familydoctor.org/782.xml Bridger, D. (2006). How Much Can Your Mind Control Your Body? Retrieved April 1, 2007, from http://www.mindpowernews.com/127.htm Philosophy Of The Mind (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_mind The Mind Body Connection (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2007 from http://www.quantumhealthandfitness.com/mind-muscle-connection.htm Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
ESL Beginning Opposites Lesson Plan
ESL Beginning Opposites Lesson Plan Learning new vocabulary often requires hooks - memory devices that help students remember the words they have learned. Here is a quick, traditional and effective exercise focusing on pairing opposites. The opposites have been divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced level lessons. The exercise can be done as a matching exercise, or, for a greater challenge, students can be asked to come up with the opposites themselves. Both types of exercises are included in the resource section of this lesson. Aim: Improving vocabulary through the use of opposites Activity: Matching opposites Level: Beginner Outline: Divide students into small groups and distribute the opposites worksheet. Ask students to either match the opposites (exercise 1) or write the opposites (exercise 2). If you have more time, you can ask students to first match the opposites and then write out the opposites individually. Alternatively, you could give exercise as follow-up homework. Correct in class. Expand the exercise by asking students to provide synonyms. Exercise 1 - Match the Opposites boyspeakoldrightfarfootsisterwifeblackcoolbuycleansmallwomanbegindrinkfullfatstand upfathershorthardcoldlight big, largebrotherdark, heavydirtyeatemptyendgirlhead, handhothusbandleft, wronglistenlong, tallmanmothernear, closenew, youngsellsit downsoft, easythinwarmwhite Exercise 2 - Fill in the Opposites boyspeakoldrightfarfootsisterwifeblackcoolbuycleansmallwomanbegindrinkfullfatstand upfathershorthardcoldlight Intermediate Level Opposites Advanced Level Opposites Back to lessons resource page
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Find and Use AP Score Calculators
How to Find and Use AP Score Calculators SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What is the best way to use AP score calculators? In this post we will discuss how to get the most out of them – and when you shouldn’t use them at all. Where Do I Get an AP Score Calculator? Before we talk about the best ways to use score calculators, you need to learn where to find one for your particular AP class! Each AP test uses a different scoring system. There are no â€Å"official†AP score calculators released by College Board, so teachers and test prep companies have to make their own. To get an AP score calculator, first talk to your teacher – AP teachers often have a formula they use for grading practice tests. If your teacher doesn't have one or you're self-studying, get a prep book for your AP class. Prep books written for individual tests will always have a score calculator. Finally, look online – many websites have approximate score calculators you can use for each AP class. A word of caution: all score calculators are approximations since the scaling of an AP test changes year to year to keep the difficulty level the same. For example, 100 points could be enough for a 5 one year, but in the next year it would only get a 4. We’ll talk about how to compensate for that below. Our Calculator Example: AP English Language and Composition Throughout this post we’ll be using AP English Language and Composition as an example as we talk about score calculators. It’s the most popular AP test currently. Over 500,000 students took it in 2014! There are 55 possible multiple choice points (1 point per question) worth 45% of your score, and 3 essays (worth 9 points each) for 27 possible points worth 55% of your score. This is the calculator we are using: (Multiple Choice Score x 1.23) + (Essays x 3.05) = Total Score That total score is translated to the final composite AP score of 1-5 like so: 5: 104-150 4: 92-103 3: 76-91 2: 50-75 1: 0-49 It seems a bit complicated, but once you get used to the formula it’s easy to use, and it can help you design a target score for the AP test. Using this calculator, we'll now explore the do's and don'ts of using AP score calculators. Do’s Of Using Score Calculators Grade Your Practice Exams With Them We highly recommend taking the extra step of grading any practice AP tests you take. Getting a predicted 1-5 AP score is a great way to get a snapshot of how you’re shaping up to do on the test. So instead of just getting a free response and multiple choice raw score, you can put those scores in context and get an idea of how much they need to improve before exam day. To use AP English as an example, if you took a practice exam and got a 30/55 on multiple choice and 12/27 on the essays, you might be discouraged. But using the calculator, you find you get a final score of 73 – which is just a few points away from passing! Which isn’t so shabby for a practice test. So instead of feeling disappointed, you can figure out exactly how much you need to improve to pass your next practice test. You can also get a sense of how much score improvements will help you. To use our example, you might realize â€Å"If I go from a 4 to a 6 on all my essays, I could not only pass, but get a 4 overall!†(If you got 30/55 on multiple choice and 18/27 on the essays, you would get a total score of 92, which would just barely get you a 4.) This helps you create manageable improvement goals. Remember, you don’t need to get every single point on an AP test to get a 5. And you certainly don't need every single point to pass. Come Up With a Detailed Target Score AP score calculators allow you to understand both the multiple choice and free response scores you need for certain final AP scores. This can help you decide where to focus your studying efforts. You might go for all-around improvement, or you could target your studying on just the free response or multiple choice. On AP English Language, if you’re going for a 5, you could go for near-perfect essays and have more wiggle room on multiple choice, or go for nearly-perfect multile choice and aim for middle-of-the-road essays. For example, if you get 8s on all your essays and 35/55 on multiple choice, you would get a 5 total score, which is pretty comfortably a 5. On the flipside, if you got 6s on your essays and 50/55 on multiple choice, you would also get a 5 total score. This allows you to play to your strengths on the AP exam and not overwhelm yourself trying to be perfect at everything. If you're a strong writer, you could aim for 8s on your essays and not worry about making your multiple choice score perfect. Or if you're great at taking multiple choice tests, you could aim for a 50 on multiple choice and try and make your essays decent. In short, you don't have to burn yourself out if you use a score calculator to set target scores for each section. Go For Consistency Don’t take one practice exam, calculate a 5 using the score calculator, and stop studying. Use the score calculator every time you practice, and make an effort to take at least two or three full-length practice exams before the real thing. Also try your hardest on practice free response questions and multiple choice sections your teacher may assign in class. Why? Especially when it comes to essays, you could be in trouble if you’re hit with an essay that you’re not well-equipped to answer. If you stop studying after you get a 5 on one practice test, you won't be prepared for whatever the AP test throws at you. Only by practicing consistently can you be adequately prepared or whatever questions appear on the AP test. By practicing a lot, you make sure that 5 is all-but-guaranteed, not just a fluke. In short, practice makes perfect – or at least it makes 5s! Don’ts of Using AP Score Calculators Don’t Use Them Too Early in the Year Don't worry about practicing for AP exams in the fall! There is no point in taking and grading a practice AP exam early in the year. That would be like taking a final exam for a class before winter break! You still have a lot to learn, so taking an exam early on would just stress you out. The score calculators are best used to inform you how you’re shaping up to do on the exam, so using them too early will demoralize you. You shouldn’t expect yourself to be able to tackle the AP exam before the first semester is over! Especially on the hardest exams. Wait until the first semester is over before taking practice exams and grading them. Don’t Panic If You Don’t Get the Scores You Want in Practice Even though it can be frustrating to get a 1 or 2 on a practice exam, don't despair. Remember that you’re practicing to find your weak points and improve them. Getting a low score in practice can be good because it shows you mistakes you are apt to make so you can learn from them. Think of it this way: any mistake you make while practicing is one you won’t make on the real thing as long as you study. Even if you get a 1 or a 2 on a practice exam, that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail on the real thing. The key is to analyze your mistakes so you can learn from them and improve for the real AP exam. Don’t Assume AP Score Calculators are 100% Accurate Simply put, they’re not! As we discussed above, they can only approximate your real score. Since AP tests are equated each year so scores are consistent, a raw score that’s good enough for a 5 on one exam could only be good enough for a 4 on another. This means when setting target scores, be generous. For example, if you’re going for a 5, don’t just practice for the lowest possible raw score that could work according to your calculator – aim for many points above that! For AP English, we would set the 5 threshold 10 points higher, 4. We would set the passing threshold (a score of 3) at 86 instead of 76. By doing this, we leave wiggle room for year-to-year test scaling differences and unexpected mistakes you might make on the exam. Bottom Line AP Calculators are an excellent tool to help you get the most out of your AP exam practice and set smart target scores. Just beware of using them too early, and don’t let them make you complacent! What’s Next? Learn more about AP: how long exams are, how they’re scored, and how many AP classes you should take. Also studying for the ACT/SAT? Get the latest tips from our expert writers on each section: SAT Math, Reading, and Writing, or ACT English, Math, Reading, and Science. Did you already take the ACT/SAT? Find out if you should retake the exam. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Motivation, values and involvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Motivation, values and involvement - Essay Example Motivation is a complex phenomenon. In direct relation to consumer behaviour, it refers to the facts which incite consumers to behave in a certain way, as in, all these being equal, to repeatedly purchase one brand instead of another. Generally speaking, motivation is a response to latent or overt biological or learned need. Indeed, products have the potential to address overt needs, or awaken latent ones and, in so doing, create a sense of want which can only be satisfied through the purchase of the product. In direct relation to the aforementioned, it is important to point out that the assumption that the purchase/use of a certain product will satisfy need/want is the crux of the expectancy theory and, in itself, contributes to the intensification of motivation. Proceeding from the above stated, it is important to clarify that there are different types and categories of need. This phenomenon is referred to as need hierarchy and has been fully explained by Maslow's theory of need. According to the aforementioned, people have different types of needs, some of which, such as the need to shelter, are more pressing than others, such as the need for recognition.
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