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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Semantic Barriers In Peoples Communication English Language Essay
The Semantic Barriers In Peoples Communication English Language Essay Presentation: The word semantics has its source in Greek and is taken from the word semantikos, which means giving indications or suggestive. The initial segment sema of the word semantikos implies sign. Semantics is the investigation of implying that is passed on in a language. Semantics alludes to explicit implications of a word, particularly in scholarly circles. Semantic hindrances, in this way, are the misconceptions that happen by individuals attempting to impart a thought, yet all the while having totally various implications as a top priority for the words. Semantic obstructions originate from contrasts in language, instruction, and culture. Clearly if the sender is talking in English and the collector doesnt get English, theres an issue. In any case, regardless of whether the sender and recipient communicate in English, they may not talk a similar lingo. The words they use may not mean something very similar. In the event that we request a soft drink in Washington, DC, for instance, well get a soda. On the off chance that we request a soft drink in Detroit, well get a beverage made of pop water and enhanced syrup with dessert coasting in it. On the off chance that one is from the United States and he is addressing a Scot from Glasgow, the American may make some hard memories just understanding his elocution. What's more, his intonation might be endless to the individual from Scot. The collector may utilize confounded words or expressions that the sender doesnt see, for example, to ratiocinate rather than to reason, or I am very keen to your endeavors for my sake rather than Thank you. Or then again the sender and the recipient may have social contrasts that make it hard for them to see each other regardless of whether they communicate in a similar language: A Christian, a Jew, and a Muslim all love one God, however they consider God in various ways. In certain societies, the utilization of titles before names is critical as an indication of regard, while welcoming somebody weve just met utilizing their first name (the same number of Americans do) would be considered very discourteous. The greater part of us underestimate that every one of our messages are very much passed on. However, practically speaking, all messages are not effectively directed or gotten. Different snags, barricades, troubles, stoppages or choking influences, known as boundaries to correspondence, deform the message and make correspondence incapable. These correspondence boundaries create turmoil and strife between people living in a similar society, chipping away at a similar activity and even people living in various pieces of the world who even don't have any acquaintance with each other. Countless administrative issues are the aftereffect of inefficient or imperfect correspondence. Generous organic products can be picked up if correspondence hindrances are hosed or limited. A correspondence is a two-way process, separation between the sender and the beneficiary of the message is a significant obstruction to correspondence. Commotion and ecological factors likewise square correspondence. Individual variables like distinction in judgment, social qualities, feeling of inadequacy, inclination demeanor, time pressure, correspondence failure, and so forth expand the mental separation between the sender and the recipient. Semantic is the study of importance. Similar words and images have various implications to various individuals. Troubles in correspondence happen when the sender and the beneficiary of the message utilize words or images in various faculties. The importance expected by the sender might be divergent from the significance followed by the recipient. Individuals comprehend the message as far as their own conduct and experience. SEMANTIC BARRIERS IN COMMUNICATION ARISE DUE TO THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Social DIVERSITIES: The vast majority of the challenges in correspondence emerge in light of the fact that a similar word or image implies various things to various people as indicated by ones culture. Lets take the case of Shiny Abraham. An entertaining and pity thing happened to Shiny Abraham at the 1986 Asian Games at Seoul. In spite of starting things out by a wide edge in the 800 m. Race, she was precluded and lost her gold award for having crossed the track at where she ought not have gone. As indicated by her she mixed up the image, i.e., the shade of the banner. While in our nation the warning shows peril, in South Korea white banner is utilized for a similar reason. Misconstruing the white banner which had been set up by then, she crossed the track at an inappropriate spot and endured a difficulty. Words, which are as a general rule images speaking to a thing, an activity or an inclination, can have a few implications. As clarified before, words which speak to solid things, e.g., vehicle or house, will in general be comprehended similarly, while unique words like legitimacy, adequacy or obligation, will in general be deciphered by various people in various manners. Trouble in comprehension may emerge even on account of conventional words which have diverse relevant implications. Of late such challenges are being experienced progressively by individuals working in universal advancement field. One such issue emerged in deciphering the importance of the word steps. In a preparation program of wellbeing laborers, identifying with the family wellbeing in Jamaica when an inquiry What are a portion of the means that a mother should take to ensure that her infant keeps sound? was asked, it was discovered that there was no reaction to it. The students who were acquainted with just one importance of the word-steps dependent on their experience, couldn't simply comprehend the inquiry. Newness to WORDS: Semantic trouble may emerge in light of newness to words. For instance, due to an expression of some unknown dialect of which the beneficiary has no information. A specialized word may not make such a difficult it might be past the capacity of the recipient to get it. So as to make it powerful, a correspondence must be articulated which are suitable to the earth and mental system of the recipient. This guarantees the correspondence to be gotten a handle on appropriately and executed successfully. A fascinating case of a correspondence made compelling by the utilization of words suitable to the earth in which they were utilized is given by the accompanying episode that occurred in one of the rural conditions of the USA. A proposition for raising the compensations of the employees of a horticultural school was being talked about. The ranchers alliance was absolutely against giving the raise to the school instructors they couldn't perceive any reason why they should pay those school educators $5000 per year only for talking 12 to 15 hours per week. Staff agents made no progress in their arrangements until one of them who made them ranch understanding, got an inspiration.Gentlemen, he told the individuals from the regulatory body, a school educator is similar to a bull. Its not the measure of time he spends. Its the significance of what he does! Non-verbal communication BEING INCONSISTENT: Semantic hindrance may additionally be made by non-verbal communication being conflicting with the verbal correspondence. A director who adulates the genuineness and earnestness of their subordinate in a wry tone makes questions in the brains of the subordinate with regards to the game-plan the person in question ought to embrace in a given circumstance in future. A similar sort of boundary is made by a difference between the verbal language and the activity language of the bosses. At the point when activity and language are utilized together the activities regularly have more remarkable impact on others activities than words do. An administration may, for instance, declare its faith in being guided exclusively by the value of representatives while making advancements. However on the off chance that workers see that in real practice advancements are made on contemplations other than merit, the administrations declared strategy will undoubtedly be influenced by a semantic boundary it isn't probably going to impart anything, just the activities will convey and what they convey will be in opposition to what had been said in such a large number of words. Decision OF AMBIGUOUS WORDS TO CONVEY A MESSAGE: Semantic issues emerge because of the selection of words used to pass on a message. A specific word may have entirely unexpected importance in various dialects. We state Dhanyavad which implies in Hindi Thank you, yet a similar word in Guajarati implies congrats. Contrasts in foundation and experience represent contrasts in the implications allocated to specific words. Each language has its own structure and style. Semantic issues emerge when endeavors are caused to move the quintessence or to feel of an idea starting with one language then onto the next. Interesting circumstances emerge because of this exertion. Now and again the significance is contorted to such a degree, that there remains no hint of the first. During President Jimmy Carters visit to Poland, a sentence in his discourse, I have profound friendship for the Polish individuals, was some way or another converted into Polish as, I yearn for the Polish individuals. In anot her case, when a main shoe organization set up this trademark on the bulletins, we will just sell you the correct shoe a gathering of mischievous adolescents asked the director, where would they be able to go for the left shoe. Issues ARISING FROM REGIONAL ACCENTS: In a multi lingual country like India, a large number of us communicate in more than one language. Notwithstanding, the vast majority of the occasions the impact of the primary language is very noticeable and the complement with which we communicate in different dialects makes fascinating (and here and there genuine) hindrances to correspondence. The issue of provincial accents isn't just limited to Indian dialects. We, the individuals of India, treat ourselves as the extremely legitimate inheritors of the English language. It is hard to state whether it is love, pride or partiality, however we have such a great amount of English in our local dialects that a genuine look is fundamental at the manner in which we articulate English. The Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages arranged at Hyderabad has accomplished this work and discovered a not insignificant rundown of English word-matches the way to express which are fairly uninhibitedl y traded for one another, despite the chaos in the implications it
Saturday, August 22, 2020
NJHS free essay sample
The Best method to demonstrate future achievement is to take a gander at past achievements. Endeavoring to accomplish objectives I set for my self regular, and I appreciate the honors that I get when I accomplish those objectives. To have the option to achieve something I have spent such a large number of hours on, gives me a feeling of pride and enthusiasm to take a shot at my next task that a lot harder. Since I love that sentiment of succeeding, I attempt my hardest to achieve all that I do. Four things I have just achieved to demonstrate my accomplishment in secondary school are I am in National Junior Honor Society, have a G.P.A. of a 3.9, I am in band, and I am a functioning competitor. Being a National Junior Honor Society part is one way I have just demonstrated I will prevail in secondary school. There are various accomplishments that an understudy, such as myself, needs to secure so as to be in NJHS. We will compose a custom exposition test on NJHS or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I was flooding with amazing privilege and accomplishment in my self in the wake of being approached to join. My sister who is in Honor Society has roused me to endeavor to be in NJHS, and I’m exceedingly glad that she did. Something else I have just achieved to demonstrate my accomplishment in secondary school is that this year my evaluation point normal is a 3.9. Having the option to sustain that high of an evaluation point normal shows that devotion and difficult work pays off. Since I’m an exceedingly persuaded understudy at school, I do my best each day to get the exclusive requirements I have set for my self. Since my mother has such exclusive standards for me, I have elevated requirements for myself also, and I am happy with these desires. I am exceptionally over energetic about my evaluation point normal. Playing the French Horn in the seventh and eighth grade band demonstrates that I will prevail in secondary school. It has been demonstrated that understudies in band find out additional, and are increasingly spurred in their scholastic classes. I am special to be a piece of the band. Since I am in band, I have a major obligation to rehearse each night, and I am additionally enthusiastic about playing. Rehearsing each night for in any event 15 minutes shows how dedicated I am, and my remarkable hard working attitude. The exact opposite thing I have just achieved to demonstrate that I will prevail in secondary school is that I am a functioning competitor. Before a business recruits a worker, they search for specific qualities, such as having the option to be a cooperative person. Since I’m on the young ladies U19 hockey group, I have learned great sportsmanship and buckling down by and by truly pays off in games. Rehearsing hard now, in sports as well as, will sponsor me later on. To be a colleague is such an amazing thing, realizing the group is there for my, yet being there for the group is a staggering inclination. Since being a colleague is such a generous benefit, I don’t know where I would be without partners, and even instructors, pushing me to do my absolute best ordinary. Now in today’s society, do you figure we would be the place we are without valiant individuals prevailing at what they do? Would we have had the main individual stroll on the moon, with out somebody designing immaculate rockets? Shouldn't something be said about women’s rights, would there be something like this today if individuals weren’t dedicated to dissenting and evolving things? The world would be such a better place without these accomplishments, without achievement. Since individuals have satisfied critical objectives, the world is the thing that it is today, and I’m grateful this is the means by which the world is. Being in National Junior Honor Society, having an evaluation point normal of a 3.9, playing an instrument in the band, and being a functioning competitor are four things a have just achieved to demonstrate that I will prevail in secondary school.
Monday, August 10, 2020
What Does It Mean to Be Heteroflexible
What Does It Mean to Be Heteroflexible Relationships LGBTQ Print Heteroflexibility and Sexual Orientations A Brief History of Sexual Orientations By Anabelle Bernard Fournier facebook Anabelle Bernard Fournier is a freelance writer who specializes in home decor and interior design. Shes been writing about interiors since 2012. Learn about our editorial policy Anabelle Bernard Fournier Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 19, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 24, 2020 Photo by Diego Duarte Cereceda on Unsplash More in Relationships LGBTQ Spouses & Partners Violence and Abuse From the late 19th century to recently, there were only two possible sexual orientations: straight and gay/lesbian. Bisexuals, pansexuals, and other queer orientations have recently expanded the range of sexual orientation identities. However, our society still expects people to be heterosexualâ€"a phenomenon called heteronormativity. In short, society treats heterosexuals as normal and unworthy of notice, while people who are not heterosexual face extra scrutiny, sexualization, and stigma. Thus, its predictable that people with same-sex desires and behaviors might still want to be seen as heterosexual if only to avoid all the negative consequences of coming out as non-hetero. What is this new category of heteroflexibility and what does it mean? The History Sexual orientation categories appeared in the late 19th century, with the invention of the words homosexuality and heterosexuality. Before the invention of these words, homosexual acts were outlawedâ€"there was no word for identifying as a person who had sex with people of the same gender. In his famous book Gay New York, historian George Chauncey described how New York men in the early 20th century could have sexual relationships with other men without losing their identity as men (which at the time, was synonymous with heterosexual). As long as a man dressed and acted in masculine ways and was the penetrating partner, it was acceptable to have intercourse with other men. Men who acted in feminine ways and were the receiving partner were called fairies, rather than gay. It was all about gender performance, rather than attraction. As the 20th century moved on, however, ideas of heterosexuality and homosexuality took hold as identities. In other words, having sex with people of the same gender became more than an act: it was something someone was, rather than something someone just didâ€"an identity over an activity. These categories have been more or less flexible throughout the last hundred years. The 1960s and 70s were looser in terms of sexual experimentation and identity, while the 80s and 90s saw a return of clear, rigid boundaries around the actions that were acceptable from heterosexuals and homosexuals. Heteroflexibility Today In the past few years, social scientists have seen a return to flexible notions of what it means to be heterosexual. Recent research by social scientists Carillo and Hoffman suggests that men who have occasional sex with other men are able to expand the category of heterosexuality to include their behavior.?? Mostly, they do this in terms of denying their attraction to men and talking about sex with men as only for pleasure, when women are unavailable, or as a perversion. This research concludes that instead of switching to a bisexual identity, these men change the definition of heterosexual to include occasional sexual acts with men?? â€"something that sounds a lot like the early 20th century New Yorkers that Chauncey studied. As long as these men maintain that they are not inherently attracted to men and behave in typically masculine ways, they retain their heterosexualityâ€"and privilege. Heteroflexibility as an Orientation Heteroflexibility as an orientation is akin to categories 1 and 2 on the Kinsey scaleâ€"0 being exclusively heterosexual and 6 being exclusively homosexual.?? However, because it involves attraction and/or acts with people of the same sex, some critics have argued that heteroflexible is just another word for bisexuality. The benefit of calling yourself heteroflexible instead of bisexual, of course, is the lack of stigma. Though research by Carillo and Hoffman highlights the main difference between bisexual and heteroflexibility: heteroflexible people claim that they are not attracted to people of the same gender.?? This raises interesting questions. Having Sex Without Attraction Many people have sex with people they are not attracted to, and have even enjoyed that sex. It could be for many reasons: they hired a sex worker, or they had sex with an available partner exclusively for their own pleasure, for example. This means that heteroflexible men dont have to be attracted to men to be willing to have sex with them. However, in some cases, they could also be denying their attraction to avoid the label of homosexual. It is difficult for scientists to separate the two. What Makes Someone Homosexual? Some people think that one act of homosexuality makes someone a homosexual automaticallyâ€"this is obviously not the case. Bisexuals have sex with people of the same gender without being homosexual. Heterosexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality are identities that a person chooses, not something that is inherent to a person, like having blue eyes or ten toes. Therefore, one can choose a heterosexual identity and still have sex with people of the same gender. This is why social scientists have created three different categories: sexual orientation identity (what you call yourself), sexual behavior (what you do), and sexual attraction (who you are attracted to).?? These three things can (and often do) show different patterns among individuals and throughout each individuals life course. Ethical Questions The research on heteroflexibility raises a third questionâ€"this one ethical. Is it okay for people who have sex with others of the same gender to still claim to be heterosexual? The struggle for non-heterosexual people to be recognized and embraced as full human beings is still ongoing. Many are still unable to marry, are imprisoned, or even killed for their sexual orientation. Being able to engage sexually with people of the same gender while avoiding all of these negative consequences feels like a betrayal to those who have fought discrimination and stigma their whole lives. While its easy to see why someone would want to stay safe and avoid violence by keeping his/her non-heterosexuality a secret, its more difficult to accept someone who wants the freedom to have sex with people of the same gender without having to deal with all the stigma. Of course, if we lived in a society that accepted non-heterosexual orientations as fully as they do heterosexuals, we wouldnt have this problem. People would be free to pursue sex and relationships with anybody they want without stigma or violence. However, we are far short of this ideal. Heteroflexibility, in a way, makes it more difficult for non-heterosexuals to protect their human rights and remain safe. What Does Non-Binary Mean?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Weakness of Liberal Democracy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1447 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Politics Essay Level High school Topics: Democracy Essay Did you like this example? As the title suggests, liberal democracy has weakness in its system that destroys itself. Brazil’s election came in favor of Mr. Bolsonaro, a right-wing advocate who supports violence, abuse of women, and ignorance of the minority. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Weakness of Liberal Democracy" essay for you Create order Within that same time frame, Angela Merkel who practically represents peace and stability in Germany has announced that she will not run again. A pattern starts to emerge. Right winged politicians start to gain popularity and fame when there is a time of crisis like economic decrease or immigration issues. What this reveal is that there’s a fundamental problem with democracy. It contains issues or loopholes that can be exploited to rip democracy itself apart. This often leads from democracy to authoritarian rule. One of the primary issues with democracy is that people don’t truly understand what democracy is about. They believe that democracy is only based on people’s view. While it’s certainly true, it’s only the byproduct or subsection because the government wants to implement systems that protect everyone and their common good. The people believe that the officials are not basing the people’s decision. Thus, they vote for right-winged poli ticians like Mr. Bolsonaro who says he will rule through â€Å"person authority†which is supposedly governed by the people. However, it’s merely a manipulation of the people to get him into the office. The most evident is the president of Italy who is ruling with an iron fist, replacing local governments with people that are loyal to them. In the end, all supreme power goes to a single person and the citizens suffer. The misconception about democracy is ultimately what destroys it and turn a government attempting to become democratic into authoritarians. Furthermore, decisions made that may not be supported by the public make them feel neglected and without a voice or freedom. This presents the second problem with liberal democracy. The system with democracy sometimes declines the popular will because they need to balance the people’s decisions and government decisions that protect and regular all the people. While the previous example involves an already deep corruption in the government, this type of flaw cause people to believe the government doesn’t care about the general publicâ €™s opinions and serving some otherwise agenda. As a result, these right-winged politicians to come into power. They point their fingers to officials that are trying to benefit everyone in the country and say that those authorities are denying the common will. For example, outsiders often scapegoat George Soros who promotes the well-being of others by donating to those who are in need and proclaim that they will restore liberty and the constitution. With the hallucination that the government doesn’t care about the people, citizens believe that this form of the system must be destroyed and rebuild with someone that cares about the public. For instance, our president Donald Trump gained popularity partly because he advocated policies that appeal to the benefits of the public. However, these policies are often too extreme because while it can temporarily help the public, in the long run, society and its government would slowly erode. An essential subdivision of popular will is that majority rules. From an evolutionary basis, human’s nature commands us to act and form a tribal relationship. Instinctively, we want to compete and rule others. However, the foundation of democracy is that everyone receives rights and privileges equally. Yet, there are circumstances that make people feel they are being violated and are at risk of â€Å"endangered†. Naturally, they want to protect their parties, so they vote politicians that will protect them. Thus, people will support laws that bully the minority and remove immigrants. However, liberal democracy focuses on protection of rights for everyone including minority. In order words, the system ignores elections that favor one group over another due to the majority. This has a slight but still noticeable impact in America. White Christians are becoming fearful that other religious groups can exceed them so they regularly exercise their â€Å"whiteness†and are more fearful of the minority. Finally, people tend to go against democracy when they feel like their status is becoming weaker relative to other groups. They suddenly become much more defensive of their group identity and see other minority as potential a threat that can risk their status. Ultimately, their ideology shifts to a survival of the fittest. But once again, liberal democracy dismantles such social hierarchies to preserve rights of minority and peace. This causes people to feel like their rights are being suppressed and that the government is repressive. When someone promises to replace the system with one that â€Å"guarantee†people’s freedom, citizens vote for these right-winged politicians. However, once the politicians win the election, he will go against every thing he promised and become a dictator. Brazil is such example as well as many other Latin American countries. All in all, it demonstrates that within the liberal democracy, misinterpretation of democracy, a feeling of trivial public opinion, and social inequality will destroy itself. As a result, people will support radical politicians that can protect their group. I chose this article because it demonstrates the rarity and importance of democracy. America is home to democracy and people can regularly exercise their basic rights such as freedom of speech. Americans can choose which politicians that they believe in and the government is regulated by multiple authorities, not a dictator. Our system balances power in the power and a central government. Yet these privileges are often undermined and sometimes considered granted. So many other countries don’t allow citizens to voice their opinions or prosecute innocent children because of a differing religion. We are so privileged and lucky to be in America. I believe that we should appreciate such a blessing. Not only this, but we should also help other countries. Many countries trying to be democratic fall back to authoritarian because the citizens are manipulated by false promises and concepts. The people must pay the price at the cost of their life sometimes. Thus, we should be much more a ppreciative of what this country offers us and the price of such freedom. I learned that liberal democracy is an extremely complicated process. Until now, I always thought that democracy was just about people having basic rights. I now learned that the problem with liberal democracy is itself, at least partially. I thought that in an economic crisis, our connection with each other would strengthen and that democracy is still intact. However, I learned that it’s through these times of crisis that right-winged politicians come to power due to the people’s desperation. Furthermore, I thought that people would understand that sometime their opinion will be ignored for the general good. But people’s instincts cause them to want to exploit minorities and climb onto the top of the social hierarchy. To sum this in one word, it’s that people are selfish. People’s selfless to become the best and dominate causes a domino effect in which everyone competes and try to downgrade the other. In these times of crisis, politicians create fa lse promises that they will restore freedom in the people, but they almost always turn back on their promise and become a dictator. Finally, I gained insight on truly how precious democracy is. What surprised me is that countries that seem like it would stay democratic like Germany or Brazil are gaining more and more right-winged popularity. However, Portugal which might not seem like a country heading for democracy has no right-winged party rising. What is more ironic is that Portugal which is still going to an economic crisis impose no austerity yet other European countries with a sufficient and somewhat economy are implementing harsh austerity on its people. This connects back to the different kind of boundaries that we learn in class. Many times, a country encounters an obstacle to becoming democratic due to ideologic disagreements. A country is hard to become unified if it already has an internal conflict. For example, early Yugoslavia was extremely difficult to manage and even to the modern day, it still is. In the early days, democracy was hard to implement in Yugoslavia. It has a variety of ethical groups in Yugoslavia. Going back to no social hierarchy, giving more rights to minority threatens the status of other religious groups, making them feel less important. Furthermore, it will not be judged based on which group has the most amount of people due to democracy’s idea of rights for all. The boundaries that separate these different ethnic group made it difficult for a country to have a liberal democracy.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Comparative Analysis - 965 Words
RUNNING HEAD: COMMUNICATION GENRE Communication Genre Comparative Analysis Paper Pamela E. Mundhenk Week 2 Assignment COM/PA 530 Professor J. Sanfillippo July 29, 2013 University of Phoenix Communication Genre Comparative Analysis Introduction Public administrators use many communication genres to reach their audiences. These genres range from business cards to governmental proposals. Each one has its own purpose. Each one has its own way of getting information to the audience quickly and efficiently. Each one has been affected by technology. Each has its own discourse conventions associated with it. And each has its own method of distributionâ€â€either external or internal. The purpose of this analysis is to compare†¦show more content†¦It provides an explanation of previous events for the reader or investigative results, and stipulations for implementation of policies and enforcement of these policies. A policy handbook is a comprehensive guide for the expectations of employees. It provides a statement of core values and purpose, code of conduct, and guidance for internal action. Reaching the Intended Audience The business card and resume both provide substantial information to the reader. However, the genres are different. The business card provides the identity of the agency or organization, address, and phone number. On the other hand, the resume provides the reader with information regarding the candidate’s employment experience and skills. A policy memorandum genre is different in that it provides the reader with information regarding to whom the memorandum is addressed, who it is from, along with a subject to be discussed. Public policy reports genre differ as they are an ongoing process that serves as a means to an end of changes in policy behavior, unlike policy handbooks that provide detailed instructions on how to implement rules within an organization. Technology Technology has advanced the development of genres in various ways. As readers or viewers process documents and view websites, they learn to recognize an agency, a business, or an organization with the use of a business card. Likewise, advances in technology have changed the way employersShow MoreRelatedQuantitative Analysis : Comparative Advantage Essay2258 Words  | 10 Pages3. Quantitative Analysis of Comparative Advantage Within the period of time and two-country world, country A can use a half of its resources to produce 30 units of product 1 and the other half to product 30 units of product 2. On the other side, country B uses the same amount of its resources as country B for 20 units of product 1 and 10 10 units of product 2. In this case, country A has the absolute advantage in producing both products, but it has a comparative advantage in product 2 because itRead MoreComparative Analysis Of Data Mining Tools1685 Words  | 7 Pages Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Tools Research Paper 11/16/2015 Dr. Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dubliners as a Transition from Childhood to Adulthood Free Essays
â€Å"Dubliners†is a very particular short-story cycle because, unlike most other cycles, the link between its stories is not based on the recurrence of major characters. Instead, Joyce manages to unify the collection by exploring the same themes, such as the desire to escape a routine and the connection between life and death, from different perspectives. Interestingly enough, these perspectives are tainted by the perceptions that different age cohorts have of their surroundings. We will write a custom essay sample on Dubliners as a Transition from Childhood to Adulthood or any similar topic only for you Order Now The text as a whole delves into these issues from, initially, a more naive and childish point of view and progresses towards a more discouraged and somehow renouncing tone. â€Å"The Sisters†is basically the tale of how a young unnamed boy handles and mourns the death of his friend and mentor, Father Flynn. Although the age of this unnamed boy it not specified, the text abounds in evidence that might lead the reader to believe that this boy is only just discovering the twists and turns of life. With phrases like â€Å"the word paralysis†¦ it filled me with fear, and yet I longed to be nearer to it and to look upon its deadly work†(p. ), Joyce invites the reader to presume that this boy has never encountered death and is therefore intrigued by it. Then, Old Cotter, a family friend, repeatedly makes reference to how â€Å"there was something uncanny about [Father Flynn]†(p. 1) and that he â€Å"wouldn’t like children of [his] (†¦) to have too m uch to say to a man like that†(p1). Such evaluations and the fact that the boy has strange dreams about Father Flynn confessing his sins to him, give way to the reader’s suspicions that Father Flynn is actually a malevolent figure who acted as much more than a mentor. The boy’s inability to make sense of the true nature of his relationship with Father Flynn is also a clue to realizing that this boy is so young he has not yet been exposed to the dark, more vicious side of life. Then, in â€Å"Araby†, another –or maybe the same- unnamed boy describes an intense crush he had on a friend’s sister. To impress her, the boy promises to go to the Araby Bazaar she so longed to go to and bring her a present. The boy meticulously plans his day and even reminds his uncle of his intentions so that the uncle will return home early and provide train fare. However, the uncle’s tardiness and the â€Å"intolerable delay†(p. 3) of the train, resulted in the boy arriving at Araby when â€Å"nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness†(p. 3). The boy, noticing the â€Å"English accents†(p. 3) of the salesmen, immediately feels disenchanted. Araby was not, after all, the fascinatingly exotic venue he had imagined it to be. By saying that he â€Å"saw [himself] as a creature driven and derided by vanity;†and that his eyes were †burdened with anguish and anger†(p. ), the boy puts into words his feeling of utter disappointment and frustration. This particular remark, which seems somehow inflated, might lead the reader to believe that this is the boy’s first love-related frustration. The whole of â€Å"Araby†, actually, seems to be the story of a boy who, for the first time in his life, tries to do something special for someone special; and h is failure to succeed hits him hard. â€Å"Ivy Day in the Committee Room†is a more grown-up story which unfolds around a political conversation several canvassers hold. In this discussion, it is revealed that the campaigners widely disapprove of the candidate they are allegedly supporting. Already, remarks such as â€Å"Tricky Dicky Tierney†(p. 4) and â€Å"how does [Tierney] expect us to work for him if he won’t stump up? †(p. 5), remind the reader that the men who are talking are adults. Typically, one associates conviction, idealism and blind belief with the young, untouched generations. Conversely, one can associate skepticism and even cynicism with adults, who are those who have experienced frustrations and disappointments that have rendered them more pragmatic. Furthermore, in this short story, the politicians discuss the character of Charles Parnell, already deceased. The manner in which Joyce discusses the issue of Parnell’s death is utterly different from how death is presented in â€Å"The Sisters†. Whereas in the first short story what is explored is an individual’s encounter with death, which culminates in a private mourning in the presence of a body; â€Å"Ivy Day in the Committee Room†presents the death of Parnell as a matter of public opinion and it explores its effects on the Irish society as a whole. Therefore, it could be said that, considering this particular corpus of short stories, â€Å"Ivy Day in the Committee Room†marks the beginning of the more mature and public phase to which Harry Levin makes reference. Last but not least, â€Å"The Dead†, set at the annual dance and dinner party hosted by the Morkans, presents an eventful ball in which several interesting characters are introduced. All along the evening, awkward conversations occur and, through them, it is revealed that these characters are frustrated, exhausted and have given up all hopes. As the main character, Gabriel Conroy, enters the scene, he asks the Morkans’ housemaid, Lily, â€Å"I suppose we’ll be going to your wedding one of these fine days with your young man, eh? â€Å" (p. 3) to which she bitterly replies â€Å"the men that is now is only all palaver and what they can get out of you†(p. 3). Later on, the always-drunk Freddy Malins arrives and Aunt Kate asks Gabriel to â€Å"see if he’s all right, and don’t let him up if he’s screwed†(p. 5) to which she sharply adds â€Å"I’m sure he’s screwed. I’m sure he is†(p. ). Afterwards, Gabriel is cross-examined by a fervent supporter of Irish culture, Miss Ivors, as to why he would rather go to Belgium or France instead of visiting his own country. Following an uneasy exchange of ideas, Gabriel finally retorts â€Å"I’m sick of my own country, sick of it! †(p. 9). As the night ends, Gabriel’s wife, Gretta, becom es absorbed and detached. Irritated, Gabriel confronts her about her unbecoming behavior and, when she tells the story of how Michael Furey, â€Å"a boy[ she] used to know†(p. 7), died, he begins to reflect about love and life and death and finally realizes that â€Å"snow was (†¦) falling (†¦) upon all the living and the dead†(p. 30). All of these characters seem to embody the state of mind one can associate with the outcome of a long life of experience. Lily is utterly disappointed and does not believe in selfless love any more. Aunt Kate doubts that Freddy could ever be sober and, instead of hoping for the best, she only wishes to disguise the worst. Gabriel resents the culture of polarization in which he lives and grows tired of people imposing their opinions on each other. Gabriel finally realizes that nothing can be changed and that all are equal in the end. â€Å"The Dead†illustrates the stage of adulthood in which people no longer believe in the possibility of change and openly act as if nothing had to be concealed†¦ as if there was no tomorrow. Gabriel’s final ruminations add to the reader’s feeling that the characters are near the verge of death. To conclude, it could be said that â€Å"Dubliners†is the story of a city, a culture and the way in which those immersed in it grow up. The cycle begins with stories with younger, more naive protagonists; and then moves forward into stories with increasingly aged characters. Furthermore, the stories themselves become more complex, intricate and lengthy. In a way, Joyce manages to tell the story of the average Dubliner as he moves across the different periods of a human life by integrating the stories of different characters. The fact that all the stories could become the story of the standard citizen, adds to the effect that the book is indeed the story of he who lives in Dublin. How to cite Dubliners as a Transition from Childhood to Adulthood, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Problems With my Neighbors Essay Example For Students
Problems With my Neighbors Essay How are your neighbors with you? You are lucky if they treat you as a member of their family, but what about if it is the contrary? What about if they treat you as a thing not as a human? If this is your situation, I know how you are feeling. I know it because I am living this kind of life. In other words, I do not get along with my neighbors. From the day I moved into my house, I have had to deal with their unfriendly, dirty, and noisy way of living. First of all, my neighbors are very unfriendly people, and that is why they are hated. For example, during the day when I see them, they do not say hello to me. Sometimes, I try to have a conversation with them, but they always ignore me or give me a cold look. Since the day they ignore me, I began to hate them for being the way they are. In addition, my neighbors are not only mean with me, but with my children, too. Sometimes, when they are playing in front of their house, my neighbors come out and tell them to leave using a filthy language that scare my children. Second, the awful thing is not only that my neighbors are unfriendly, but they are dirty, too. For example, during the week, they often throw their trash in front of my house. Although, whenever I see it, I always clean it, but later they throw more. They are irresponsible people who do not care about others around them. Moreover, their yard looks like a jungle with empty cans and bottles and other trash among the big grass that is growing. Why do not they care about it? How lazy they are! Perhaps, they do not know the meaning of the word  clean. Finally, the other thing that makes my neighbors mean, besides being unfriendly and dirty, is that they are very noisy. They have three children and the smallest, the baby, is the one that makes all the noise during the day. He is always crying because he is hungry or because he wants something. Why do not his parents try to lull him? Besides the baby, they also have one big dog that barks all the time. For example, the other day I was going to study, but then it began to bark, and thanks to its harmful noise, I could not concentrate on what I was doing. Moreover, every weekend, they are always having a party at their house. So the loud music and the strange noises from the drunken people begin at noon and end at midnight. In conclusion, my neighbors are inconsiderate people, who do not care about others. They just care about themselves, and do what is best for them. They do not realize how much damage they are causing by doing the things they do. Their unfriendly, dirty, and noisy way of living brings me to that conclusion. The worst is that I am not the only one who is suffering, but my whole family. To solve this problem, there is only one solution and that is to move out of the neighborhood, but should we do this? Is this the only solution we have? What should we do?
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